Now on the market of operating systems for computers, there are three major players: macOS, Windows and Linux. Each of them is not only their strengths and weaknesses, but also fans of the community.
Among all considered to be the most convenient MacOS. But it has one serious drawback: the system normally works only on Apple computers. Yes, you can install Hackintosh, but it is necessary to specially assemble the computer, and Apple officially doing it prohibits.
Linux have too many advantages: speed, easy interface and security. But because of the lack of it of Adobe products and other popular programs, not everyone will like to use this system.
Already for many years, Windows is still the market leader in operating systems. It has all the possible programs, continuously improve the interface and a standard software package. But Microsoft can not cope with the huge number of viruses. This is particularly a problem for those who do not follow hygiene network your computer.
And what operating system you like to use the most? Beautiful MacOS, Linux flexible or good old Windows?