Bitriks24: how to make everyday work more enjoyable
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
We have almost finished our series of stories about the benefits and advantages that we found in Bitriks24. Ahead of you are still waiting for the final summary, crib, looking at that, the head of any business be able to understand, he needs a tool or not in 5 minutes, well, today is a special theme - psychological. Often we see people, those who work in the company are placed in conditions more suitable for the soulless robots. For unknown reasons, the common notion of "business" is somehow trying every way to exclude yourself from the emotional component, and it makes sense, when it comes to high-level talks.
But think about your subordinates, employee. They are real people. Everyone wants the ultimate in comfort, whether at home or in the office, and in your best interest to provide him with an environment capable not only to organize workers processes, but also to give something at a higher level - satisfaction, a sense of reciprocal gratitude for the work done, confirmation of its own utility for company.
Employee - he as a client. If your people are happy, they do not go away, they work better and want to continue to do so. There is no more effective way to improve internal loyalty and motivation than pleasant, "human" work environment, and then we discovered axiom: the status of the best working tool for the foreseeable future to get the product as close as possible to the drug of our time - social networks.
Initially, the emphasis on the social aspect of Bitriks24 caused us some apprehension, and you know perfectly well why. Negative aspect of these VKontaktikov is their ability to replace a work itself. Disgruntled employees, instead of performing their duties, receiving money for what is sitting in the public servers. No, here in LH, absolutely conscious, the smartest people who do not need supervision, but before recommending Bitriks24 other, it was necessary to make sure that we do no harm.
Bitriks24 takes from social networks only positive performance and proven concepts that are so popular with users. You know what a "generation gap." A similar problem also works in human interaction with web services. You can put the employee in a dull soulless corporate system, but you can give him the opportunity to talk with colleagues and by his service in a familiar language, in a painfully familiar format. This is called "organically fit." Naturally, effectively without causing rejection at the level of perception.
Do not joke, in hiring a new person, you can submit it Bitriks24 like this:
So, here's the thing, we work for it. Can you use it? Not? A VKontakte use? So, you know how :)
Aside from the obvious reduction in training time, this concept allows the new employee is much easier to fit into the team. At leisure google Statistics nursing staff at an early stage because of the fear of the apparent complexity of the new working tools - you all will become clear.
You might think that such a unification with social networks nifiga does not help a person quickly enter into a working business, and you will be wrong. We ourselves have already managed to see how people just come, after a couple of days of maneuvers Bitriks24 as a test pilot.
Now imagine that you are migrating in Bitriks24 with any other system. For example, Highrise from 37signals, declared, by the way, on the termination of all other products except Basecamp. We piled out of there just in time (high karma, yeah), and are well aware - if the company chose a pet, the fate will be sad in-nelyubimchikov products. So, in view of experience in social networks, which now has a majority of people in the development of basic Bitriks24 they have gone, well, a maximum of an hour + day at specific functions. And yet, you can work.
From that moment, all the work embodied in the social services and optimizes workflows chips contributing not only to maintain a good atmosphere in the team, but also the principle of "I see everything and controlled through a single browser tab. "
Let's talk more about the second point. Excessive decentralized structure in service, coupled with the lack of a single mechanism and obvious signal (Alerts), can greatly please the officer when he simply does not notice entered his urgent task, letter, or message. Now we look at the main page Bitriks24.
- Alert sounded and blinking in the upper left corner
- Alert sounded and blink in the lower right corner
- Alert sounded and blink computer's notification area, if you have a desktop application Bitriks24.Disk
- Alerts are duplicated in Bitriks24 mobile applications
- Everything related to the employee, goes directly into the center of the screen - Buzz
- Particularly important announcements are a big block on the right side of the interface
We can not imagine how it is possible to miss something in such a system notification.
If we go back to the relationship within the team, here, in contrast to the conveyor "took-handed" each employee It has the ability to individually and without unnecessary time to thank every colleague for his work or act. Absolutely any publication, task, message, announcement, event report and is equipped with the familiar and understandable all over the button "Like". Do you think it is a trifle? Listen to others about the complaints of the ingratitude. Here it is not so. You have fulfilled your task and you have to Like by all project participants, including the head. It's nice. This is the same acceptance and recognition, which was not and is not stale corporate instruments.
For special merits colleague can give a symbolic badge - sign and proof that he is doing his job efficiently.
And, finally, it came to integration with the "normal" social networks. Do not think that, thanks to this feature, unwanted content seeps into the working environment. In fact, it is an opportunity to link Twitter account, then any message created with predefined hash tag will automatically be streamed live band Bitriks24. Thus, the employee has an opportunity to share important information, even in the absence of access to his working portal.
Binding works in the opposite direction. Labor merits of Bitriks24 can be placed in your Facebook profile, and other popular sotsservisah. For certain people, it is also an incentive to perform better to obtain satisfaction from their work.
The result of this approach to the organization of work expect - functionalityFocused on a pleasant and comfortable working for the man, it creates the conditions for a natural maintaining loyalty and motivation to work, as much as possible while minimizing the sense of alienation and non-participation.
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