REVIEW: "What a dream. How to understand what you want really, and how to achieve it, "Barbara Sher
Motivation Books / / December 19, 2019
In his book "Dreaming is not bad. How to get what you really want"Barbara Sher tells the reader how to make dreams come true, and how to decide to start to be engaged in what you is shower, despite the fact that the people around you can be considered a priori your plans unrealistic, stupid and unworthy attention. It was a fascinating conversation with the readers of the author, who gave faith in their own strength.
After the release of "Dream on," Barbara over the years received letters from readers who expressed their gratitude for the book, but they noted that they could not follow the advice set out: they do not dream, they do not know how to understand what they really want. Barbara Sher has decided to ask this question and to understand why people can not decide what they want more than anything else, and how to fight it. Because of this and saw the book "What to dream", which we will tell you today.
Barbara Sher
The author of seven best-sellers, each of which offers a practical and detail painted by the method of detection of natural talent, setting goals and making dreams come true. Barbara held seminars and master classes all over the world - to universities, professional organizations, corporations of the Fortune 100.
How to understand what you really want: peel off their real desires from the desires of other
Where the childhood leaves? Oddly enough, nowhere - it is always with us. Dwells there, somewhere in a secluded corner of the soul, in the form of childhood memories, insults, installations, we unconsciously carry over into his adult life. They remember who these people were that were to have a role model and best advisors in your childhood? Who had to listen to and who always knew what was right and what - no? That's right, it's your parents.
Every parent wants his child to be happy. But each person puts into the word "happiness" its meaning. Dad wanted you to have a degree of economist-manager and continued the family business. So you will become a successful and respected man who will not get lost in life. You, as a child, took it for granted, got diploma and may indeed become a successful and respected man. But despite this, you feel that you have achieved something significant, and a sense of dissatisfaction with the question "Where next?" Follow you every day.
What to do? Take a pen and a piece of paper. Divide the list into two columns, the first title the "My relatives wanted me to ...", and the second - "I wish I ...". Compare these two columns. The results may surprise you. You want to be a writer, dancer, florist or whoever you have the list goes on. But then, back in my childhood, rid himself of those dreams and took over the plant, which declared the parents. Now you are an adult, and in your power to separate what you really want, on what your loved ones want for you.
Barbara SherThe parents formed the image of successful sons and daughters of wealthy beautiful - well arranged in the lives of children to be proud of in front of others. Very few parents available to the luxury of peace of mind that allows you to realize that the most sensible thing for a child - to find your path and follow it.
How to understand what you really want: go by contradiction
You can not understand what you want, but may know, what exactly do not want to. Perhaps you do not know what should be your "paradise" work, but easily able to describe the "hellish". Whatever you are not able to tolerate? Weekly and boring, no one in the long run is not necessary, but mandatory reports? Come to work at eight in the morning? List everything. And then spend a simple operation: change from minus to plus - describe the work to be the exact opposite of "hellish". This simple exercise can be applied not only to work but also to the majority of the order with which you can not decide.
How to understand what you really want: select one of the many options
Someone can not find anything, why would he wanted to strive for, but someone has a lot of options, but he can not choose one of them. You belong to the second type, if you do a little 24 hours a day. Not enough for you seven days a week. Yes, that really things - you obviously do not have enough of one life. You want to achieve a plurality of heights, but can not begin to scramble for a single.
There is a solution: Again, take a sheet of paper and a pen (and if you read the book, it is better not to clean them away) and list everything that you want to succeed in life. Become a Bill Gates in a skirt? Travel around the globe? List everything your desires. Let the list will be as comprehensive as possible, even if his drawing, you will need several days. Once it is ready, imagine that out of 10 (20, 30, 40 ...) of items you need to leave only one - the most important for you.
Start alternately expunged points, asking the question: "From what I can give up?" At first, it will go easily, but closer to the middle of the list, you will be more difficult "negates desire." But this is the easiest way to find out what a priority for you. As a result, you must stay one dream - this is what you want most. Now everything is just in your hands - act. And, of course, after the main goal will be achieved, do not forget to return to your list, write it on a clean copy and repeat the operation with cancellation.
Of the above - it is not all the exercises, techniques, tips and thoughts that Barbara Sher is divided in his book. Additionally, you will learn what to do if you suddenly realized that for many years you were chasing an alien purpose. What to do if you think that the important thing in life is lost, and you do not see the point in fighting anymore. How to cope with the fear of making the wrong choice, and finally understand what you want from your life.
Creation of Barbara Sher - is not just a book. It is a reliable and faithful friend, to whom, once even read from cover to cover, you will return periodically. This is a book that allows you to remember your childhood dreams and aspirations, and to find a place for them in adulthood. Barbara is divided not only by personal experience, but also results in the history of their customers who are faced with similar problems.
The abundance of practical exercises allows you to store read and follow them daily. Perhaps, in the analysis of his childhood and adult behavior, you will be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and maybe even painful and sad for all the opportunities that you have missed. But at the same time you understand important thing is never too late to follow your dreams and start living like you, and not someone else feel good.
To read
Everyone who feels confused and can not figure out what he really wants to achieve, what wants to strive for. All parents, no matter how old your child is now - five or 25. In a separate category I want to make the graduates who have recently completed their studies and plan to look for a job.
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