Why positive thinking does not work
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Now everyone knows that it is necessary to think positively, it helps to become happier, and many are trying to change. But very often these experiments end in a day or two, or when the problems begin. It gets hurts, "How so? I thought positively and almost changed. "
It turns out, rainbow thoughts are not enough to solve their problems, but that does not mean that positive thinking is useless and even a fraud. Just need to know something before you rebuild the mindset and wait cloudless life.
You know the sad experience, when you decided to change your life and think only positive, really do well in this, and it seemed that life is getting better all turns out, and then suddenly there was such crap that just knocked out rut?
At this point, you can easily give up their intentions, and even hit in mysticism, thinking that you cursed and nothing will help. So what's the deal? Why not work?
Positive thinking works like a medicine, but before you take it, you need to know, from what it helps. After all, when you go to the hospital, the doctor first makes a diagnosis and then prescribe medication, and not just write out all the same indiscriminately. Only instead of the source of the disease appear here your beliefs.
Where there are negative thoughts
Negative thoughts do not appear by themselves, and do not run themselves. They can be compared with the military, which extend from their base and attack you. Let's say you have a weapon - motivation and positive thoughts that destroy them.
Excellent, the enemy army is destroyed, but the base - no. With it you rush new swarms in the form of negative thoughts and events (because thoughts generate events). If you do not find the base and not to destroy it, you will attack and reflect the whole life, but is more likely to give up the slack and will be taken into captivity.
Military Base negative beliefs
Our beliefs, the source of all negative thoughts shall be established by the unpleasant events in life, especially during childhood. You can not even remember them, and they sink you into the subconscious and there quietly shitting.
For example, if your first love is over deception and betrayal, you will carry this model for all other relationships and is likely you will fall only liars and traitors. Even sincere partner you constantly suspect and poison this life and myself and him.
There are several options how to cope with such monsters in his own subconscious. You can hit them rational thinking or to get a positive experience that will block negative beliefs.
What to do?
That it is necessary to destroy the base? Well, first of all, to find her. Where to look? Where you have problems in your life. For example, if you have money problems, examine your beliefs about money: you do not talk as a child, that the money earned with sweat and blood, it is difficult and unpleasant? Maybe you took some epic failure with money, which is engraved in the memory, such as: "I'm a loser, I had no money, go and hang myself?"
It is best to start with the moment when "everything went wrong", so it will be faster. When you find its frightening negative beliefs, they do not look impartially, and ask: "Why do I still believe in it?".
When you see that there are no prerequisites to continue to think so, but your belief - it's just bad joke played with your own consciousness, it will disappear (or become less reinforced concrete). In the end, all psychoanalysts committed to deduce "demons" from the unconscious to consciousness, where they dissolve well.
The new self-image
Your image build beliefs about oneself, and only them. For example, if a student believes that algebra - this is the most complicated thing in the world, and it certainly will not be able to understand it, he does not understand, or fill up exams will be thinking how to write off. Due to the belief he will not even try to understand and learn something.
Your self-image - is a mirror that reflects your beliefs, but in order to change its image, is not enough to recognize their negative attitudes nonsense.
To do this, you need to get real-world experience in a new, positive belief and trust that deserve it. Positive experience will be your base from which you will come to the aid of positive thoughts.
What to do?
When you become aware of your negative beliefs in some question, it is necessary to change them to positive. After that, you have to imagine and feel to those who really deserve it.
For example, you have a lack of education and problems with money, because you believe that one depends on the other. Once you become aware of his conviction on this matter, believe in the fact that the education and the amount of money not related.
Now imagine himself as a man who has enough money, despite the formation. Allow yourself to be that person and believe in what it is you are. Everything.
polishing positive
Affirmations do not work, if it's just words that you repeat to lighten the mood. Say to yourself, "All is well", while as you complete negative beliefs, all the same, that lie. From this it would not be good.
Another thing, if you have already changed their beliefs in the positive. In this case, the affirmation - it is, in fact, the recognition of what is already there inside you, confirmation of attitudes. And that's when they really work.
The hardest part of it all - to change negative beliefs, because they are based on real experience. But your negative experience - this is just a memoryThat is, essentially, just a thought. If you really submit and how to "survive" a new positive belief, you will have the same real-world experience, but in a positive way.
Now you know why positive thinking does not work, and your life has returned to normal. It's time to try one more time.