To read over the weekend? A selection of the best materials for the week
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Here we have compiled the top of the book, received not only praised the authors of reviews, but our readers. In general, the top consists of reviews of the business publications, books on self-development, and books about how to work more productively.
Diet pills, videos... But in fact, lose weight easy, if you know how. The author has lost 29 kg. And I did it quite effortlessly. In this article, he shared one of his secrets.
According to recent studies, excessive activities in social networks lead to more profound changes in the psyche. In particular, the emergence of narcissism, which doctors consider as a serious personal dysfunction.
This text was written by Steve Gattuso, a student and a hacker as he calls himself. In it, he resents the fact that everything in the shortest time ignored the real world, and staring at screens constantly phone, ignoring friends, acquaintances.
About a year ago, "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" invented "Bookshelf" on Lafhakere. Finally, the staff of the myth presented their shelves. Several employees of the publishing house, we have caught in the office and asked them to talk about themselves and about their most-loved books - from the myth and not only.
What is your used car protection system? With probability of 99% is typical with the signaling keyring squeaky and tiny small screen indicator. We will tell you about what it means to "good defense car in layfhakerski".
Recent studies show that the developed intellect determines the propensity for a variety of bad habits. It turns out that the high level of IQ affects the human tendency to use alcohol and drugs. This - our new infographic.
Very interesting person, an entrepreneur, a well-known blogger and head of the project "Life is interesting!" Armen Petrosyan tells how he Apple uses the technique in his work, life and work, and how it helps him maintain a diversified productive activity.
Every year, our brains undergo certain changes associated with age-related physiological changes in the brain. While to stop this process, we can not afford, it can significantly slow down anyone.
New Year is coming! Soon we will dive into a pleasant pre-holiday bustle - gifts, entertainment and, of course, the Christmas tree. We offer you 20 original ideas for creating a Christmas tree with his hands. Treat yourself and surprise your loved ones!
- How do you sleep?
- Poorly. In the evening I go to sleep early, wake up late in the morning, but after lunch hours toss - I can not sleep.
This article would not be trite advice, what to do with insomnia. Instead - 5 ways to spend your time, if you still can not sleep.