Why is it useful to keep your blog and write in it every day
Productivity Motivation / / December 19, 2019
One of the major changes in my life has become a habit to write something every day. For many years I was a writer who is not regularly paid during his craft. All the time I thought that here it would be necessary to write something, but somehow all the time is not enough time. In 2007 I started to blog and since I write every day. It changed my life. And I recommend to write, even those whose occupations have nothing to do with it. Next, I explain why.
- When you write, it makes you think about life and the changes that you make to it. This is valuable, because sometimes we do things, it is not knowing what they will end up.
- When you write, your mind is purified and structured thinking. Often the thoughts and feelings are some unintelligible substance in your head. There's something going on, but you just can not make out what it was. But when you write thought they are crystallized and converted into a clear logical structure.
- When you write regularly, you start to make it better, and that is very important in this digital age.
- When you are writing for an audience, even if the audience - it's just you, you start to think from the reader. And this is where the magic begins. As if pulling away from him and taking the side of the reader, and you start writing your take on the other side, and it helps you to better understand the people around: friends, colleagues. You begin to see the world more widely, and learn to feel empathy.
- When you write, you are trying to convincingly defend his point of view, as if trying to convince himself it. This will help you to persuade others and you learn to find the right words, so as not to attack the person making his defensive and even tighter hold on his mind, and to act gently, as if you had been telling it yourself currently.
- To write something every day, every day should be some ideas. You start to look for them, but they are already everywhere on the Internet, movies, music, magazines, movies... And when you start to write, you start to see them, you are open to new things. And often it was during the writing of the text next to you suddenly comes the solution of complex problems.
- If you will be writing in your blog, it will help you to create around themselves an audience, which is interested in your thoughts that you can do something to help. And it's good for business and for personal career, and just in terms of communication. You will have a circle of people who are interested in the same thing you do.
And this is only the beginning. The irony is that all the benefits of the habit of writing every day can not be described in words, but you can only experience for yourself.
How to start writing every day?
There are many different ways to start writing regularly, my recommendations are based on personal experience.
You need to set yourself a condition to write every day. Do not start by writing once a week or 3 times a week. No, once and only write on a daily basis. The main thing - more and stick to that decision.
Need to set aside time for it in their plans. It can not be "when will be free time," no, so nothing happens. Choose a time when you are not too loaded with basic chores. It may be early in the morning, if you are a "lark" or late evening, if you are a "night owl", but you should not be too tired.
Start small. Oh yeah! It is said very often, but, nevertheless, many continue to ignore this rule: do not try to eat the whole elephant. No need to immediately write the text to 3000 characters, and yes, even by 1000. Do not put the framework in general. Start writing every day as much work. The main thing - to start.
Start a blog. Of course, you can use a special application for the records, and simply any text editor, but I recommend to start a blog. Create a free account on WordPress.com or Tumblr, and more! Why blog? Yes, because it encourages you to come up with ideas to diversify write to you was interested to read your audience (albeit very small). It's scary at first, but you will still start. Soon you will feel more comfortable. Anyway, fear should not interfere with your inner growth.
Turn off the distractions. The greatest writers in the world procrastinators. You may well find yourself all at the same table in an hour, and in an open document will be written only the first line of the article. Therefore, immediately get rid of all distractions. Disconnect the social network, close the extra tabs, it is best to phone and also shut down or, at least, far away. In this world, there should be only you and a blank sheet on which you now something write.
Tips described in the article is enough to start writing. Later you will learn how to interact with the audience, to understand her wishes and draw their inspiration in it. But all this will come later, after you zavedet your blog and start writing in it every day, without breaks and weekends.
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