6 reasons why we have difficulty changing for the better
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
If you just can not get rid of bad habits and start to play sports, then most likely, you simply chose the wrong approach to change.
1. negative motivation
Often we try to change their habits on the basis of negative emotions: fear, regret, guilt or shame. However, studiesDoes Changing Attitudes, Norms or Self-efficacy Change Intentions and Behaviour? show that the negative - poor motivation in the long term. If you want to change entrenched for a long time, they build on the positive foundations.
2. The lack of tools
To replace the part in the machine, you need a set of special tools. It's the same in life: to change something in yourself, you have to arm themselves with the necessary means.
If you want to sit on diet, Begin with the study materials on healthy eating, set the phone counter calories, plan how you will eat for the next few days, and buy the right products.
3. "All or nothing"
Some seek to change not a single habit, and all at once. However, even minor changes in habitual behavior hurdly. Therefore radically change themselves and their lives in a short period of time is almost impossible. Start small, and changes gradually.
4. abstract goals
Your goals should be as specific as possible. Abstract "I start to play sports," works much worse than "I'll go to the gym at least once a week."
5. "New Life, Monday"
Always remember that you can not change overnight. Positive changes - a long-term time-consuming process, which consists of interconnected activities.
6. Failure - this is forever
Do not be discouraged after the first failure. It is a natural part of the process. Most of those who in the end manage to change your life, at least once mistaken. The fact that you did not work, does not mean that you can not change. It's just that you did not work this time, and you should try again.