No excuses: "the beauty - it is your inner light" - an interview with Vladimir Akhapkina
Motivation A Life / / December 19, 2019
For more than a month special project "No excuses," he tells you about the powerful people who, in spite of serious health problems, have set themselves important goals and achieve them. Until now, the heroes headings were mainly English-speaking children, but also in our country a lot of people who are not looking for excuses for myself.
With one of them the other day we met and talked. Our guest today - Vladimir Akhapkin, Russia's first podium and photo model with disabilities.
In search of identity
- Hi, Vova! I propose to go directly to the questions and answers. How is it that you have acquired the status of a person with disabilities?
- Hi, Nastya! This happened at a very early age, about 7 months, I was operated on for a hernia, as a result, due to medical negligence (I mistakenly took a puncture and have touched a nerve), I lost most of the motor functions. After that, the doctor insisted on constant hospitalization, but I give it up - do not want to spend most of his childhood in the hospital.
- Was it difficult to adapt?
- I never went, so I do not feel like something lost. Nothing to compare. The only thing I was missing some time - is communication.
I studied at home, but the grandmother brought me up to 18 years, every summer I took out the cottage in the suburbs. I was never afraid of the people, on the contrary, very much wanted to talk. But it turned out that from approximately 9 to 14 years, I had no friends. Absolutely. Peers shunned me because of my physical limitations. It was hard, I was ready to do anything to me noticed and talked with me.
But one day I was approached by a girl and said, "You're still golden, but you mat ...". I realized that I should not be so attracted to people if they do not want.
Strange, but as soon as I realize this, to feel proud of myself, all was to be adjusted. Inside me all was quiet. I finally realized that you need to love and respect yourself, no matter how you are. Without internal self-respect can not be earned and the respect of others. World reflects your attitude to it - you can not feel inferior to others. Every person - individuality. And each individual is attractive. Do not forget about self-esteem.
- And what do you dream to become in childhood?
- Who wanted to, so I became. I always wanted to be a model of how a creative person associated with the world of beauty. I have always been fascinated by such prominent people as Madonna, Whitney Houston, Audrey Hepburn and others. Not only their creativity, but also the inner freedom that they emit, the gift to inspire others to deeds.
With 13 years I write poetry. Once my work was sent to one of the local poetry competitions. I took the first place. Then it was already participating in the international competition, the results of which I had a prize second place. I note that while I have hardly watched him, I thought that the publicity - it's not about me. But I had to go on stage Theater. Mayakovsky at the gala to read his poem. My grandmother lived literally on the two pensions, however, she had saved money and allowed me to choose and buy things that I looked decent. It was my first appearance on the stage. And when I saw the shining eyes of people in the audience, I realized that they like not only what I read, but also as dish out yourself, it inspires them. Since then I have established in my dream.
Mr. "Who is it?"
- And how did you get into the world of fashion?
- Pretty simple. Growing up, I began to live with a cousin who was my guardian angel, supporting all initiatives. One day while sitting at the computer, I decided to try to realize his dream of becoming a model. Found on the Internet is one of the most important fashion portals, it is possible to place ads on the different filming. I was born the idea of a photo shoot that would show the beauty and characteristics of the physical limitations of people. After all the ugly people do not happen. Beauty - it's your inner light. Brother supported my idea and we placed an ad on the portal.
At first there was no response. A few days later I made a repost, and that's when photographers, makeup artists and others have expressed interest. Shootings. I registered at Facebook, VC, Started a blog, I began to publish the photos. They cling to people, there were all new huskies, comments.
As a result, it turned into our brother with a joint project entitled "I am." His goal - to show the inner world of the physical limitations of people and their complexity. The project is still underway. It expected to attend 7-8 children with disabilities, all of which tell their story.
My story is shown in the video presentation.
The clip was shot closer to the fall, and autumn in Moscow Fashion Week began. I decided to go there. For this purpose it was necessary to somehow get accredited, so I sent the organizers of our movie and wrote that I have a blog where I write about fashion. I was accredited. Of course, my presence on this event caused a strong reaction. On the sidelines of went a different version, where did this unusual-looking young man? Then I found out that even the nickname stuck behind me - Mr. "Who is this?".
One day at Fashion Week I met blogger Natalia Travnikova, which later became my good friend. Actually, this was the beginning of a string of surprising meetings and events in my life.
Thus, the project "I am" remarked designer Maxim Rapoport and invited me to a show, "Archangel", which he did together with Olga Berg.
- And you took part in a fashion show along with other models?
- Absolutely. I passed the day display in the same rhythm as the other models. That is the whole day rehearsing, girders, etc. Just when I'm doing things you love, I almost did not get tired. Energy consumed immediately compensated by positive emotions.
I was one of the persons Maxima collection with me was shot lookbook. Then, in 2012, it was an exit Dima Neo within the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia and other shows.
Later in the night shopping marathon Fashion Night Out of Vogue magazine, I also met with Natalia Vodianova. In addition, another fateful meeting - a familiarity with Evelina Khromchenko. This is a very caring people, always ready to help.
- You tell the people of the world of fashion and gives me an inner dissonance. I always thought that it was quite harsh environment, strong competition and intrigues. And you say that to you many people so friendly. Are there any pitfalls?
- Oddly enough, no. That's why I love being in this atmosphere. Imagine: I go to a social event, and the girls on huge heels, evening gowns and men in suits, all well maintained and beautiful fit and ask what help me? And help.
But in the subway, for example, often there is a situation: standing in front of the stairs of the underpass, refers to the passing by citizens: "Excuse me, could you help me ..." Finish the phrase is usually not possible, because, having heard the word "help", people run away screaming after "I have no money." So what in the world, the so-called "glamor", more helpful people.
- In your opinion, is the genuine participation?
- On the part of those who really helps, yes. There is such a biblical commandment: when your right hand giving alms, the left does not know about it. It is right. People who do not help crying about it, do not write posts. They just understand that it is difficult to do.
- Vova, why you all this? What do you want to convey to people?
- You know, I actively use public transport and see how people react. Many in the eyes to read a dumb question: What am I doing here? But I love life and I believe that I have no right to miss her best moments only because I a little more difficult, for example, to move around the city. My responsibility: to show that people are no different from each other.
And among healthy people with disabilities and there are those who are constantly laying their lives on afterwards.
- Yes Yes. Something like: "this is going to fold weight, then find the second half", "get a job here, then let me ride on the Sea", "here stand on his feet, then I'll go for a walk."
- Exactly. But it does not happen. Time does not matter your excuse. It will not stop for you. You need to be happy here and now, in a position where you are. Because poor people do not have the energy to change something.
In addition, in our country, the media often portray disabled with pathos, in the context of compassionate, for the sole purpose - to knock out a tear from the audience. About guys who have achieved something and cause no pity and admiration, almost nothing is said. Projects similar to yours, in fact. But people who are not looking for any excuses a lot.
- Vova, tell us about your plans for the future.
- The gym. :) As for the art, the autumn leaves in my collection of clothes, universal clothes in where people with disabilities and healthy will feel the same way comfortable. Well, we continue to seek funding for the project, "I am."
- Finally Give, please, some advice to readers Layfhakera.
- First: never be afraid of nothing. Especially to change something. Framework there. Rather, they exist as long as you are afraid to step forward (someone to write, suggest the idea ...). Yes, I live in the shell may conveniently, but can be even better.
And the second: love yourself the way you are. You deserve to have everything you want. Keep this in mind and did not have to look for any excuses.
- Vova, thank you very much for the interview. It was very interesting.
- Thank you and Layfhakera project.