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Purchases / / December 19, 2019
In today's issue - a beautiful bezramochnik Bluboo S1, stylish and slim laptop CUBE Thinker, headphones, memory cards, as well as useful tools and books. Do not miss the opportunity to save. All prices are checked and are valid only for a limited time.
Programs for Android
Scientific Calculator (free)
Graphing Calculator from Mathlab - an indispensable tool for students in the school, college, graduate school, and just for those who need a calculator with great potential.
Scanner and QR barcode PRO (free)
The fastest and most accurate barcode scanner and of QR-codes among peers. The application is able to read all types of QR-codes and bar codes, including text, URL, ISBN, contacts, appointments, addresses, location, Wi-Fi and many other formats.
Program for iOS
My Sketch Paper HD (free)
My Sketch Paper - it's a great tool that can be used to create any beautiful picture, from sketch to the flowchart of the list to the schedule. You can only draw straight lines and start to draw, build charts and much more with the help of the base of the pen and brush.
PhotoJus Romance FX Pro (free)
With this application you can take pictures of their loved ones even more beautiful. Specially selected romantic effect turn them into true works of art, which would not be ashamed to professional photographers and designers.
Life at full power! (−33%)
The authors of many years engaged in the psychological preparation of the stars of tennis. They were looking for an answer to the question: why two athletes have the same skills, but one wins all the time different? What's the secret? It turns out, the secret lies in the ability to concentrate in time and relax. How to do it right, you will learn from this book.
Buy for 234 rubles →
motivation (−33%)
The meaning of effective motivation is to create an environment in which each person is willing and able to work at 100%. To cope with the challenge will help to clear principles and clear examples in this book.
Buy for 200 rubles →