Another 10 high-quality replicas of branded goods with AliExpress
Purchases / / December 19, 2019
Layfhaker found for you on AliExpress things that appearance and quality are almost indistinguishable from the originals, but are much cheaper.
Replica - a replica of the branded goods. The cost of the replica is significantly lower than the original. Reduction in price is due to the use of more simple materials and production technologies.
Not to be confused with counterfeit!
Those who are churning out fakes, do not care about quality. Replica is often no worse than the originals. Only without company logos.
Companies that own brands, often authorize the release of the replica and receive a percentage of sales. But AliExpress does not welcome replicas sellers. To find they are not easy, but we succeeded in this trading floor.
1. Reticulation shadows
New winter reticulation Urban Decay Naked from the legendary series in the original performance worth 4700 rubles. On AliExpress sell pallets with exactly the same tints, but much cheaper.
Price: 467 rubles.
2. Matte Lipstick
Corduroy series of liquid lipsticks from Lime Crime won the girls with bright colors and a velvety effect. The same properties, according to the reviews, has product replica. And for the price of one original can be bought almost the entire collection of copies.
Price: 110 rubles.
3. Brush for creamy products
Brush, like toothbrushes, release many cosmetic brands. Very popular is the Oval 6 from the MAC to work with foundation and powder. Its price is almost 2.5 thousand rubles. Brush on AliExpress identical shape is located within 200 rubles.
In the lot, you can choose a brush or a set of two, three, five and seven hands.
Price: from 162 rubles.
4. Shirt with stripes
In this collection of Zara shirt with stripes is worth 2599 rubles. But why pay if the presence of corporate labels does not matter?
Price: from 390 rubles.
5. Jean jacket
Brand 424, based Guillermo Andrade in Los Angeles, produces clothing for the street children. Many jeans and contrasting colors. Things 424 produced a capsule collection. Price tags on them start at $ 200. Chinese replicas look no less boldly, but cost much less.
Price: 1753 rubles.
6. trendy shoes
Running sole with deliberately massive steel real hit this summer. They go perfectly not only with sportswear, but also romantic and dresses Robe. These sneakers underline the reluctance conform to generally accepted views on style and beauty at the expense of comfort.
Price: from 1348 rubles.
7. Bag Design
The genius of the Italian brand O Bag is that they provide an opportunity to select housing, lining and handles and collect the bag of your dreams. The genius of Chinese retailers in the fact that they sell the whole set for the price of the original body.
Price: 3216 rubles.
8. Thermos
Replica Japanese Thermos Zojirushi, which in the original is worth more than 3 thousand. A copy of the model SM-KC48 is designed for 480 ml and equipped with a button to open the lid. Thermos looks stylish and, judging by the reviews, holds heat for a long time.
Price: from 562 rubles.
9. Headphones
A copy of the famous wireless Apple AirPods cheaper than the original several times. Externally they are almost identical. Not Apple fans hardly suspected spoofing.
Price: 628 rubles.
10. Jackknife
A replica of one of the most popular models (Ontario rat Folder Model 1) folding knives from the masters of the blade case Jeff Randall and Mike Perrin.
Price: 903 rubles.