How to get the most benefit from each read the book
Books / / December 19, 2019
Once again, to convince you of the benefits of reading It seems to me completely pointless. It's obvious to all thinking people. However, if reading all useful? What books should be selected to really get benefit from this activity? And how to read, so that the last page does not ask himself the question: "What the hell was all this book?".
To get answers to these questions, just try to remember three books that are most like you in this month. Well, this year. Well, at least three of the best books for the rest of your life.
Difficult? And all because that is stored for a long time, only those books that make an impression. Or even like this - impression. It is these books leave a trace in our soul makes me life and beliefs.
But only if the author depends on our perception of the work?
No and no again. From the author it depends on many things, but not all. Here are some simple techniques by which each person can make reading the most interesting and useful exercise in the world.
before reading
Collect more information. If you read a historical novel, open an atlas and look at where the events described occur. Be interested in the biographies of the real heroes of books, listen to music, which they could listen, explore alternative points of view. The more you immerse yourself in a subject, the more will be in your head, and the better you will remember this book.
While reading
When you read, do not forget about the goal. Just periodically ask yourself: "Why should I read this book?" - and try to give yourself an honest answer. If you feel that the book does not meet your expectations (not to entertain, not teach anything new, does not make you better), then stop this futile exercise. From the book he was reading just because of what you need to get to the end, you still will not be kind.
An additional utility of the book marker may be the number of citations and notesThat you are discharged from it in the process of reading. If the number goes to zero, it means you have not found in the work of a single thing that would have touched your mind or heart.
after reading
Reconsider entries that you have made during reading time. And write them a short summary in which you can simply list the thoughts, facts, events, plot twists that are most impressed with you. If you are overwhelmed with the thoughts and emotions, it means that the time spent is not wasted. Well, if thoughtfully frowning over a blank sheet of paper, the book clearly did not go in your favor.
A bit like the old school methods, is not it?
Yes, but that's the only way you can stop and record the information received, that and strive to disappear under the pressure of new books, articles, movies and computer entertainment.
Reading is one of the greatest joys in life. This activity brings great pleasure and at the same time is the most effective way to learn something new, get new experience and even change ourselves. It is only necessary to do it right.