Some people do not read books, others are constantly read and can not imagine life without books. And both of them live quite normally. But there are those unfortunate people who seem to know they have to read, but their e-reader covered with dust on the shelf, and the home library is made up of a dozen nedochitannyh paper copies. Is it possible to fall in love with reading, to stop the anguish and read a lot and be happy? It is.
When people find out that someone has read many books, they immediately think that there is a special secret. Maybe the person has mastered speed reading? Or he gives up something serious in life is to read?
In fact, there are no secrets and the secret of time management techniques. You do find time to eat three meals a day? Take time to dream, time for friends, time for family, time for another series favorite series ...
You do it all without thinking, because it is important and fun. But reading some reason it was not included in your list of important things to do. Why is that?
There are at least three reasons that keep people from plunging into the world of books. Here are the causes and ways to overcome them.
Reading as a job
Since my childhood I love to read. In fact, I is not the time, when there is a book I finished reading gradually. Mostly I read in the morning before work (it is already an established ritual, without which I would be uncomfortable), sometimes in transport and almost always - at the weekend.
Reading for me was a natural process, the usual entertainment, which brings a lot of fun and draws. In my opinion, the problem of people who can not begin to read, is that they perceive reading as a work or undertaking.
Of course, in such circumstances, you would not want to read, and after work, when the stock will power is almost exhausted, we can give 99% guarantee that you will not take a book in hand.
Try instead to perceive reading as a natural process, such as, for example, eating or walking. Take a book or e-reader with you to work, on vacation, on a summer residence.
Think of reading as a natural process.
I can read while eating, and even a very love it, but I would not advise it. Still, at meal time, we must focus on what you eat, feel the taste of food and the degree of saturation.
But in other situations, when your brain is doing nothing - please. Open book on the subway or in traffic, during a break at work when late friend with whom you are going to meet, or guests, who were invited home.
If you go on vacation, for example, to the country or in the country, may also stay the time to read, for example, if you wake up before anyone else, and you have another 20-30 minutes, until they rise up your friends.
And how much time do you spend on some fun, you do not much like? For example, if you are used to watch movies in the evening, but did not find any really good, you just turn it off? Or continue to look to the end to say, "That s ** t but"?
Next time, just after the first of a wide yawn, turn off the movie and take up a book.
Enough money for everything
Most of the books, you can simply download or read online, but still have the books, especially the recently published, which will have to buy or order. The problem is that people do not see this as absolutely necessary and postpone the purchase until better times.
If you decide to read more, do not even think to postpone the purchase. Saw, ordered, began to read.
When I have money, I buy books. If something remains - clothing and food. Erasmus
With today's prices on the books we do not have to choose between books, food and clothing. How much is the book, not the deluxe edition, and the usual paper version in paperback? From 300 to 500 rubles. You can not afford it? That's just funny.
There is no clear understanding of the purpose
Just think, people poured their knowledge to paper on a stretch of 4500 years. It seems that during this time has accumulated many works that can be found in the books of advice and new knowledge in any field.
But reading - it is not only new information but also knowledge of another's experience, position in life of another person, the new view of the world. The more you read, the more experience is gained, and with this baggage, you can better understand yourself, do not repeat the mistakes of others and to make their lives better.
To put it simply, you start to find clues in the books, how to solve their problems. Maybe it is because the people and their problems in general similar.
Therefore, faced with the problem the first time you read the human experience that has already gone through a similar situation and made their conclusions. Much like an older relative, but he does not impose his experience, but simply offers it for review.
In our own experience, I can say that almost every book there is one or more of the ideas that do not leave indifferent. And sometimes there are thoughts that roll over your world.
So, all the reasons not to read are not the causes, but just some excuses. So now choose a book on interesting subjects and begin to read. Surely this occupation will capture you, and will not be so easy to let go of the book, do not read to the end.