REVIEW: "The Science of Sleep," David Randall
Books / / December 19, 2019
Do you suffer from lack of sleep? Surely you it often happens, is not it? Now the dream has evolved from a simple physiological need for a real luxury. Indeed, when and why to sleep when there are so many cases requiring execution? Meanwhile, many of us do not realize that a good dream - it is one of the best ways to stay not only healthy, but also productive. On why to sleep should be treated the same way as to any other aspect of your health, and what secrets are fraught with third of our lives - in the new book "The Science of Sleep 'author David Randall, which in Russia was published in publishing house" Mann, Ivanov Ferber ".
David Randall
David Randall - journalist, reporter and Reuters lyricist for Forbes and the New York Times. She teaches journalism at New York University.
"I shall sleep in the pension" - no good
Sleep - this is not a break from life. This is her third.
David began his book with a few burning stories about what happens if you do not sleep properly. Did you know, for example, that during a military operation in Iraq, American soldiers often shot in their own colleagues? And all because of the banal lack of sleep. US Department of Defense conducted a lot of research, offers a variety of ways to stay awake. But no study or invention showed no effectiveness even close to the one that gives us a dream.
Your job is probably not related to military activities, but it is recognized — when you do not get enough sleep, do not cope with it. Even with the simplest. And there is a scientific explanation.
Brain scans showed that when a person does not sleep day, the prefrontal cortex slows down their work, which is why we have difficulty to finish the thought, or look at the problem in a new way.
What can you say about the more complex tasks? For example, work or training. Meanwhile, the role of sleep in these processes as great as anywhere else.
Saying "repetition - the mother of learning" is only half true. Success depends on both the practice and out of sleep the first night.
As it turned out, the dream to process new information and learning underestimated. You can all night cram exam fees, but if you do not sleep enough as it should, then the probability of getting a good grade will drop seriously. As you can see, "doing nothing" in his sleep well helps to achieve success.
dreams secrets
We dream that we are not indifferent.
The question tormented dreams of scientists and ordinary people for hundreds of years. Someone thinks that every dream - an omen of something, the revelation of the gods, the ancestors, the entrance into nirvana. However, according to the data given in the book, the content of our dreams is quite logical and predictable.
Dreams - is the most pessimistic scenario, which we daily scrolls in his head.
Check on their own experience. Play, for example, in any shooter before bedtime - put a thousand, that you had a blood, murder and endless running. Or, as is often the case, think before you go to bed, that you are concerned. Maybe you do not get in a dream prescription solution to the problem, but the brain will try to throw you some unusual options.
Once passed the initial phase of sleep, the brain begins to find links and associations with our internal data memory card.
I guess dreams can be, and exciting experience, but the old Freud, who was engaged in a lot of very different aspects of the human psyche and published one of the most famous dream book was wrong. No standardized way to decipher dreams simply do not exist - as well as meaning in this lesson.
What to do?
As mentioned above, there is nothing better than to sleep more. However, there are some tips that will help you achieve a better quality of sleep. But be warned, not all of them will fall to your liking.
For example, Rednall, analyzed several studies concluded that people sleep better separately from each other:
As evidence, the scientist has led a study in which, together with a colleague found that people who share a bed with someone else awake at night are twice as likely those who sleep alone. Sleep - a selfish activity. It is not necessary to share with anyone.
If you ever once felt such a need, then there is nothing to worry about. You are not that alone, you're like most of us, led by the stereotype that, say, a husband and wife should sleep together. But it is necessary to share their attitudes and sleep (although this is difficult to achieve in practice, but is worth a try):
One young doctor admitted: "To be honest, I've never felt a special desire to stay up all night next to somebody. What I love the man and I want to spend with him all his life, does not mean that I aim to lie with him in the same bed. I do not see the relationship. "
Another interesting thing - the room temperature. It turns out, the optimum temperature for sleep is 16-19 ° C. Try at least ventilate the room for the night - this should help.
When planning your dream, do not forget about their natural biorhythms:
Without coffee, most of us feel the energy rise at nine o'clock in the morning and remain cheerful about two o'clock in the afternoon, then many people want a little nap. At six o'clock in the evening there is a new burst of energy that lasts up to ten. Later, the body temperature quickly drops, and we become sleepy, if you do not drink coffee or take caffeine in some other form.
But even if you can not sleep, do not despair:
If you are unable to sleep at night, then you will still has a chance to successfully analyze new information. For this we need only briefly to take a nap.
Good night
At the end of his book, Randall is recognized that the more he learned about the dream, the greater the puzzle became the topic for him. Perhaps some of the facts in his book and obvious, but if you want to learn more about sleep and dreams (And I do not know a single person, which this topic is not interested), then read the book worth required.
In short, a dream makes us what we want to be. All that is needed - just close your eyes.
Good you again ;-).
"The Science of Sleep", David Randall
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