“Corporate Law: Current Issues of Legislation and Enforcement” - course RUB 90,000. from MSU, training 8 weeks. (1.5 months), Date: October 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Doctor of Law, Professor.
Shitkina Irina Sergeevna in 1988 Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
In 1998 As an applicant for the Department of Business Law, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Legal regulation of the activities of joint-stock companies by local (internal) documents.”
In 2006 defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Legal regulation of the organization and activities of a holding company as a form of business association.”
Since 2001 I.S. Shitkina teaches at the Department of Business Law.
Since 2010, he has been the head of the master’s program at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University in the direction of “Corporate Law”, since 2011 is the head of the program of additional professional education “Topical issues of corporate law: theory and practice".
He is a member of the Academic Council of the Law Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, specialty 12.00.03 (civil, family, business, international private law) and 12.00.07 (Corporate, energy law).
AND. WITH. Shitkina is actively involved in law enforcement practice, including being an independent director in a number of large companies, including PJSC TransContainer, JSC Holdinovaya Elinar company", while at PJSC TransContainer he is the chairman of the personnel and remuneration committee, and at OJSC Holding Company Elinar he is the chairman of the board directors. In 2013, Shitkina I.S. was awarded the “Best Independent Director of the Year” award by the Association of Independent Directors.
I.S. Shitkina represents the interests of Russian and foreign companies in court; prepares legal opinions for Russian and foreign courts; was appointed as an arbitrator by the ICAC at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
AND. WITH. Shitkina is a visiting professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, author and presenter of consulting and practical seminars for lawyers.
Pedagogical activities:
· supervises the scientific work of students when writing coursework and dissertations,
· supervises the scientific work of applicants and graduate students.
Directions of scientific research:
· corporate law,
· business associations,
· local rule-making of commercial organizations.
Main scientific works:
I.S. Shitkina has written a number of monographic publications, including “Holdings. Legal regulation of economic dependence, management in groups of companies" 2008, "Legal regulation of the activities of commercial organizations by internal (local) documents" M., 2003, "Business associations" 2001, "Legal support for entrepreneurial activities of joint-stock companies" 1997 and other. Shitkina I.S. — author of numerous publications on issues of corporate and business law in recognized professional publications, including the magazines “Economy and Law”, “Corporate Lawyer”, “Company Lawyer”, “Business Law”, etc.
I.S. Shitkina is one of the authors of several editions of textbooks “Business Law” for higher and secondary educational institutions prepared by members of the department, as well as the author and executive editor of the textbook “Corporate Law” (2007); author and executive editor of the Training Course “Corporate Law” (2011, 2015, 2016).
Shitkina I.S. a full range of scientific and methodological aids for teaching the scientific discipline has been prepared “Corporate Law” in higher educational institutions approved by the Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Education establishments.
Topic 1. Corporate forms of entrepreneurial activity. Trends in the development of legislation and current issues of law enforcement practice (4 hours).
Topic 2. Creation and termination of business entities (8 hours).
Topic 3. Authorized capital of a business company: concept, functions, formation (4 hours).
Topic 4. Authorized capital: increase and decrease (4 hours).
Topic 5. Fixation of the rights of shareholders (participants) (4 hours).
Topic 6. Transactions with shares (shares) (4 hours).
Topic 7. Exercise by shareholders (participants) of corporate rights. Institute of shareholder agreement in Russian law. Features of the agreement on management of economic partnership. (4 hours).
Topic 8. Provision and disclosure of information by joint stock companies (4 hours).
Topic 9. Issue of shares (4 hours). Topic 10. Legal regulation of holding a general meeting of shareholders (participants). Maintaining a register of shareholders (4 hours).
Topic 11. Legal regulation of the election and activities of the board of directors (4 hours).
Topic 12. Legal regulation of the formation and activities of executive bodies of a business company (4 hours).
Topic 13. Holdings: concept, grounds and consequences of establishing holding relationships. Responsibility of the parent company for the obligations of the subsidiary (4 hours).
Topic 14. Application of legislation on the protection of competition in the field of corporate relations (4 hours).
Topic 15. Legal regime of major transactions and transactions in which there is an interest (4 hours).
Topic 16. Legal regime for the acquisition of large blocks of shares (4 hours).
Topic 17. Responsibility of members of the board of directors and persons forming the executive bodies of a business company (4 hours).
Topic 18. Mergers and acquisitions (2 hours).
Topic 19. Protecting a company from a hostile takeover and corporate blackmail (4 hours).
Topic 20. Protection of the rights of shareholders (participants) of a business company. Corporate disputes. Appealing decisions of management bodies of a business company (4 hours).
Based on the results of completing the course, students receive a certificate of advanced training on the form of M.V. Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
The final certification takes the form of a test.
G. Moscow, territory of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Leninskie Gory, d. 1, p. 13