Books that like Bill Gates in 2013
Books / / December 19, 2019
Despite the fact that Bill Gates has long finished his career in the computer industry, it is still incredibly popular and interesting personality. he said in his personal blog about the best books he read in 2013. All these works will help you learn more about the world around us.
Unfortunately, all of these books exist only in the English version, and Russian translation yet. Therefore, if you are proficient in English so that you can read in the original, this material will help you find a very interesting product.
I read a lot, and many of the books I read this year for several decades. Have you noticed that there are no novels on my list? It's not because I do not like fiction. I read "The Catcher in the Rye," dozens of times and it's still my favorite book, but I prefer to read scientific and popular literature for the reason that I always want to learn something new about our environment world.
Each book, which I'll discuss today has taught me something new. All of these books tell the incredible story of human ingenuity, and I believe that this is what makes our world better and better every year.
You think you do not want to read a book about the shipping containers? You are wrong. Mark Levinson is absolutely sure that this unusual theme is chosen correctly. In his book, he says that a global shift to freight containers had a huge impact on the world economy and changed the entire business as a whole. And he said it in a very interesting way. I will never take a look at the cargo ship as before.
A bit like the previous book, only here the story goes on steam engines. William Rosen combines in his book interesting characters, innovations and historical summary of the invention. I wanted to know about steam engines since 2009, when my son and I spent time at the Science Museum in London.
For me, Vaclav Smil - is the author of the new book which I look forward to the most. In this book he understood the language of painting a picture of how people are affected the biosphere. The book is written in a bit dryly, and I was faced with some terms, for the definition of which had to go to the dictionary, but this book tells the story, to which will not remain indifferent to any person who cares about how we influence others world.
This book tells about the society and its individual parts. The author speaks about the reclusive tribes of New Guinea, and about what we can learn from these people. After reading this book I began to wonder who is really happy? We are living on the cutting edge of progress or the people of these tribes, who, at first glance, stopped in development for several centuries before us?
Morten Jervie - an economist who has spent four years in the collection of economic statistics from different African nationalities. The book seems a bit boring for people who are not interested in the economy. In it, the author measures the GDP of various African countries proves that modern methods of economy estimates are a lot of vulnerabilities.
Question the high cost of education is becoming more urgent with each passing year. It is noteworthy that the authors are not looking for the guilty, and trying to assess how the labor market affects the cost of college. My opinion is that as long as the college graduates will be a limited resource, education will be expensive. Therefore, people will pay big bucks to get it, and if people are willing to pay much, then why limit them? Until we get an excess of students in higher education, we can not expect to reduce the price of learning.
The author raises the debate about what the world is slowly moving in the direction of global catastrophe. In the center of the book is the story of Paul Eldritch and Julian Simon, who bet $ 1,000 if the state of humanity will improve with time. Paul Sabin shows how their extreme views affected the world and affected so far.