REVIEW: "Life Energy. 10 Secrets of the activation of the internal forces, "Brendon Burchard
Books / / December 19, 2019
This book is strongly opposed to the monotony, laziness, mediocrity, indecision and what is considered "normal" life.
In 1950 Maslow developed his famous theory of hierarchy of needs. Today, most people in the world are food, housing, family and friends, they are healthy, attractive and successful, but still unhappy. Why?
The answer to this question is trying to give the author of "Life Energy".
The author is a well-known American motivational coach Brendon Burchard. The story of his life, narrated in the pages of the book, is very dramatic. Brandon suffered a serious car accident, severe illness and death of his father. These events have changed the life of the author, and forced to look at it in a new way.
Today Brendon Burchard - one of the best (and highly paid) business coaches and motivational experts. He appears on television, writes articles and books ("The Council of a million", «Life's Golden Ticket»), And has lectured all over the world (the most famous workshops Brandon: High Performance Academy and Partnership Seminar).
It is noteworthy that just the first few pages of Burchard admits that he - not a doctor and a psychologist, not a specialist in finance or law. He - a good guide that can help make life a little more interesting.
Lack of life strategy
So why are we unhappy? According to Brendon Burchard, human motivation has undergone significant evolutionary change - in our lives there is no clear strategy and, as a consequence, the energy.
What makes it feel good to our parents, it becomes irrelevant to us because the public consciousness changed. We have different work (freelance, coworking, etc.), different live (fly to Thailand to escape the Russian winter), otherwise communicate (a Skype "Kontaktik", "ZhZheshechka").
As a result, many people live in a cage or other people's desires or in the comfort zone. The first limited scope, painted around - they do not know their own minds, or are simply afraid to express it and go for a long time beaten track. The latter built for themselves a "comfortable life" and are afraid to leave her.
But there is a third way - full of life energy.
Filled with life energy - is a specially organized way of life, which is accompanied by the same active interest in the environment, energy and enthusiasm.
To begin to live such a life, you need to activate a 10 aspirations: to control, competence, congruence, attention, relationships (Basic aspirations), as well as to change, solving difficult problems, creative expression, personal contribution and awareness (progressive aspirations).
Basic aspirations somehow develop all (at least Layfhakera readers, many of which focuses on materials, how to control their activities, to be a true professional, live in peace with each other and build a harmonious relationship with others). Therefore, to consider them in detail in this article, we will not. Let's talk about the progressive aspirations.
Desire for change
And do change - difficult. We are haunted by fears: "What if nothing happens? Or will not work as intended? ".
You should know this: change - the only way to dream, because you can reach the goal only by changing the initial position.
To let the changes in their lives, it is necessary, first, to associate them with acquisitions, rather than failures. Of course, you can think about the troubles that can lie in wait for you in the new job: the evil boss, "rotten" staff, uncomfortable area. And some even call it "realistic expectation", they say, it is better to consider the force majeure. And you can look for advantages in the current situation: a new field of activity, meeting new people, career growth, etc.
Secondly, to change something, you have to be brave enough and ambitious. And finally, thirdly, the need to learn how to make a real choice.
Such "necessary" and "necessary" Brendon Burchard calls "activators». Activators accompany every desire, but talk about them in detail, I will not. If you are interested in a full of energy life, you will be interested to learn about them from the mouth of the author.
The desire to solve difficult problems
A difficult task - it is progress. Solving it, we become wiser, more experienced, proud of ourselves and grow in the eyes of loved ones. But challenges also cause fear (how much we are afraid!): "What if I give a blunder, and everyone will laugh?". In addition, we often just too lazy to shoulder the burden is too heavy.
We are exposed to stress, but it is rarely caused by this decision, the challenges that push the boundaries of our capabilities, make progress and feel the zest for life. The main causes of stress in today's world - the inability to gather and shelving "for later". In the era of information abundance and free access to the Internet, we spend too much time on useless activity, as a result we feel an acute shortage of time.
Activators to solve difficult problems: № 1 - selection of important tasks; Number 2 - focus on the process and the fight against the fear of condemnation; Number 3 - the task of every month at 30 days.
The desire for creative expression
Any activity - is creativity. And creativity - is you. In other words, any activity should be tracked your unique, individual creative approach. Even washing dishes or painting the fence can transform from routine business in an exciting.
Global change with increased creative part in the work environment have important implications for your work. The old adage "work well - and lost jobs" went into oblivion in the early 1990s, when concepts such as downsizing, process optimization and outsourcing, firmly entrenched in the strategies business. To save your work, you need to not only "good work", be smart and pleasant to talk to. It is not enough, and the ability to gather and process information and manage people. You need to be innovative, to create added value and competitive advantages of their own creative work.
Activators of creative expression: № 1 - infusing creativity in all spheres of life; Number 2 - the study of people and design; Number 3 - the creation of more and the opening of another.
The desire for personal contribution
People want to know that everything is not in vain that we do not live in vain, not in vain, work, start a family, to communicate with friends. Personal contribution - is the importance of life itself. Often, however, giving a person feels only disappointment. This is due to the fact that many confuse the concepts of "give" and "give."
Our society is unfair to believe that the personal contribution - it's just that we pay particular case, and it has nothing to do with commitment. Therefore, many people do not realize is that just be yourself enough to leave a mark in this world. Perhaps, just to live our values enough, doing everything that you are capable, and fully realize their talents and abilities, in any case?
Activators personal contribution: № 1 - returns itself; № 2 - returns the case; Number 3 - training.
The desire for awareness
What is consciousness? What are the limits and possibilities? These issues are still causing heated debate among psychologists and psychiatrists. With narrow-minded point of view, consciousness - is control. Man seeks to control all aspects of life, but happiness is, unfortunately, does not guarantee.
So how to best use the conscious ability to control your thoughts and your life? What to focus on in order to live a happy and interesting? To this question I can give the answer: it is necessary to shift the focus from how we are aware that we must be aware.
activators awareness: № 1 - the direction of consciousness; Number 2 - the crossing of the border of consciousness; Number 3 - living in expectation of a miracle.
The book is read hard. Up to 50 pages you catch yourself thinking, "Well, and water!". But then is drawn into the story (although, again, to my perception Burchard language is too boring), and you start to notice his wisdom.
Philosophizing author raises questions about many things. "Life Energy" - an excellent book for "introspection". It will appeal to those who are focused on personal growth and think about the meaning of life.
"The energy of life. 10 Secrets of the activation of the internal forces, "Brendon Burchard
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