10 free online courses that can be written next week
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Learn how to become financially successful, help the environment, learn to funny jokes and create three-dimensional models.
1. Irrational Economics: psychology and culture affect your financial well-being
Start of the course: September 24, 2018.
Course duration: 3 weeks.
Area: "Universarium".
Tongue: Russian.
For those who want to understand why we make unwise financial decisions. Lecture you will learn how psychology and culture affect our relationship with moneyAnd learn how to avoid mistakes that prevent acquire financial well-being.
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2. Intellectual property legal bases
Start of the course: September 24, 2018.
Course duration: 10 weeks.
Area: "Open education".
Organizer: Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.
Tongue: Russian.
They will tell you all about the copyright and patent rights, trademarks, domain names and the legal aspects of information security.
It will be useful to listen to those who use the intellectual property of others and wants to do everything by the law, and those who create it.
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3. How to learn to make jokes
Volume of the course: 6 lessons.
Area: 4brain.
Tongue: Russian.
If a sense of humor you're out of luck, try to learn it. Develop wit, will be examined in the types and techniques of the comic, go to positive thinking and learn what tell jokes still not worth it.
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4. Webinar: antibednost
Start of the course: September 25, 2018.
Course duration: 3 hours.
Area: "All courses".
Tongue: Russian.
Another course on finance, which will help develop a "money" way of thinking and to find ways to increase revenue, but also learn how to manage money and to determine the best way to earn money. Expand your knowledge about investing and make a personal plan of formation wealth.
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5. Cultural practices of the digital environment
Volume of the course: 10 lectures.
Area: "PostNauka".
Author: culturologist Oksana Moroz.
Tongue: Russian.
The author tells about the standards of digital literacy, life stages of online communities, the role of the trolls and haters in culture, the phenomenon of hate speech and about why transfer logins, passwords and store information inherited.
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6. Renewable energy sources
Start of the course: September 29, 2018.
Course duration: 9 weeks.
Area: "Lectorium."
Organizer: South Ural State University.
Tongue: Russian.
It will be interesting to all those who care about environmental issues. After completing the training, you will be able to design an energy-efficient house using non-polluting energy sources.
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7. Stepping launch Internet sales: from plan to finished avtovoronki
Date and time of the activity: September 26, 2018, 13:00 Moscow.
Duration of lessons: 1,5 hour.
Area: "Netologiya".
Tongue: Russian.
Suitable for anyone who wants to start to sell effectively online. You start to make a plan of sales, will learn about contextual and targeted advertising, traffic analytics and segmentation of the audience in the advertising channels.
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8. Learning to sing with a guitar
Start of the course: September 24, 2018.
Course duration: 5 days.
Area: "All courses".
Tongue: Russian.
To pass the course, you must have a desire to learn the guitar and sing to her. The teacher will share his years of experience, will tell about the difficulties faced by newcomers to this business, and teach them to overcome.
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9. A teenager in the family
Volume of the course: 7 modules.
Area: Udemy.
Organizer: profit partnership "Plus Crossroads."
Tongue: Russian.
The course will be useful for parents who are raising teenager, Including foster. The authors reveal the features of this rather difficult period of human life, it tells you that you need to successful socialization of the teenager, the parents how to behave and what to do if you find a child disastrous addiction.
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10. Three-dimensional modeling
Start of the course: September 24, 2018.
Course duration: 10 weeks.
Area: "Open education".
Organizer: Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.
Tongue: Russian.
After listening to the course, you will learn how to work in the program 3ds Max and create three-dimensional objects. It is enough to have the skills to work with the PC at the user level.
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