REVIEW: "The death of the sacred cows," Beau Fraser, David Bernstein, Bill Schwab
Books / / December 19, 2019
Around us, thousands of stereotypes. Some of them are so entrenched in the minds of people that they are considered sacred cows, not thinking about their adequacy. It is of such stereotypes will be discussed in the book "The Death of sacred cows."
We all want to be successful. Earn a lot of money to open your own business, create a revolutionary product to be useful to society. All these desires have created a huge demand for knowledge. Today, it says a lot of business books, and even more are waiting on the shelves editions. Even more will be a business guru and business coaches that "eager" to share their knowledge. All this has led to the emergence of thousands, or even tens of thousands of patterns.
Turn on the brain
It is about such sacred cows will be discussed in the book "The Death of sacred cows." The authors and their many as three (Beau Fraser, David Bernstein, Bill Schwab), show that in any situation you need to use common sense and not with templates. It is a logical proposition leads to results, not mindless follow the "rules". So we dealt with one of the sacred cows.
Death to all the sacred cows!
All authors have got rid of the sacred cows of 19 and 6 sacred calves. The book does not impose a new vision of business rules, just open your eyes, do not even have, makes them look at the other side, with fresh eyes. A sacred cow is given a chapter, but one chapter a few fascinating stories, confirming the desire to shout "Death to all the sacred cows."
Simplicity - the key to success
The book is written in very simple language and read in one breath. It traced a sensible idea. This will allow to read a book at a time, without a break for reflection.
The book can be read by all, without any concrete recommendations. For people with their own point of view - can be read and not to pay attention, and you can take note of.
"The death of the sacred cows!" Beau Fraser, David Bernstein, Bill Schwab
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