REVIEW: "Remember everything," Arthur Dumchev
Books / / December 19, 2019
Today, one of the most important skills of highly qualified specialists becomes the ability to quickly re-learn. The modern world is changing very quickly, which entails the need for changes in the approach to work. Even ten years ago, no one talked about content strategy and social marketing. Ability to learn quickly requires continuous use of memory. In the book "Remembering all" collected a lot of specific methods and techniques for the development of memory.
Arthur Dumchev
Arthur Dumchev is a recognized expert in the development of memory, a trader, a trainer and consultant, has been certified NLP practitioner, issued by the "Center for Neuro-Linguistic Programming" and a man who remembers the famous number "Pi" to 22528 decimal point.
Motivation - the basis of memorization.
Let's start with the most simple. The most important thing to remember - this is motivationSince it was she who opens access to internal resources, without which it is impossible to achieve serious success, and also provides a good concentration.
By association is understood such a relationship between objects or phenomena in the human psyche, which, with the appearance in the mind of one of the objects included in the association implies the emergence of another object. The Association can participate two or more objects. First you need to ask the need to enrich the vocabulary. If such a task before you is not a bet, then memorize words will be much harder.
Making your face standard, remember it in detail, you can more easily focus on other faces, on their differences. When meeting with a person thoroughly examine his features: the height of the forehead, eye size, the size of the cheeks and lips. Such a method will help you remember the person much better.
Look at the following number:
272 314 161 618 141 421 024
Any math is not difficult to remember this string of numbers. Let's understand why.
2.72 - the number e
3.1416 number of "pi"
1,618 - the number of "phi"
1.4142 - the square root of 2
1024 - 2 to the 10th power.
Caught? Each number should be given images. So you will easily memorize your credit card data, the number in which your employees are on vacation. Using this method is unlimited.
Each of us has dozens of accounts. Mail, a second e-mail, work e-mail, social networking and much more... For most people, one or two passwords for all sites. This is a very bad decision. If attackers gain access to one of your accounts, they can crack and others. The simplest solution, which is described by the author:
If your default password Parol89, you can simply modify it for each domain: - Parfacebookorcom89 - Pargmailorcom89
This is the easiest option. The book describes and abruptly :)
All of these techniques not only help you memorize new words, faces, names and numbers. You can effectively use its memory in various spheres of personal and professional life.
"Remember all. Practical guidance on the development of memory, "Arthur Dumchev
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