19 life lessons that we still have not learned
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. You need to accept people as they are, or do not accept at all. Because it is virtually impossible to change. Seriously. If you are trying to convert them, and do so, what you want to see them, you can only wish good luck, as this idea is doomed to failure.
2. Your definition of happiness is different from that of other people. What works for you, should not necessarily work for them. You are not a magistrate to assess the life decisions taken by friends. As stated in a well-known biblical postulate: "Judge not, that will not be judged."
3. You should be able to fend for themselves. The world is full of villains that and strive to seize the advantage over you. No one can afford to be defenseless. You have to learn how to be stubborn and intrusive measure to get what you want.
4. Today you adore, and tomorrow is gone. Man - a being unstable. We go to bed in love, and wake up with a sense of betrayal. Sometimes the end of the relationship It may mean nothing to you, and sometimes it is the whole tragedy. In any case, I get depressed about her unattractiveness and look inward weaknesses - a waste of time. You will have many more chances to fall in love! The only obstacle in your way - your own fear of new relationships.
5. You do not have to be close to all family members. If his family any communication poison your life, in your interest as soon as possible to establish specific boundaries of such communication.
6. If you buy some piece of clothing that you do not have the right size, but you are going to use it as an incentive to lose weight, you'll never wear it.
7. Remorse and guilt about the accomplishments of bad deeds once again to prove that you will repeat them again and again.
8. Stop envy people who are your age better than you. Direct this energy to achieve their own goals.
9. Self-esteem - one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. But it is much more difficult to find.
10. If you caught yourself thinking that constantly lose your job, friends, important relationships and communication, perhaps it is time to recognize that the root of the problem - you are.
11. You do not owe anything to anybody. If you think otherwise, you will be constantly unhappy and dissatisfied with life.
12. In order to achieve something in life, you must work hard and work hard even. If you want to know the answer to the question: "Why I do not have what I want", you should study his work habits and style of work.
13. Moving to another city does not protect against all misfortunes. In most cases.
14. Talking nonsense now and then, or a little fib sometimes - this is normal.
15. Who does not risk, that does not drink champagne! If you realize that the You got workSimply dismiss. Unleash your inner "me."
16. Do not pump the alcohol on an empty stomach. Of course, if you do not want to look extremely foolish.
17. There is no such thing as to enjoy the feeling of guilt. Many, without knowing it, like torture itself and once again suffer. It is not right.
18. Sometimes it is best to do something. You always have time to apologize.
19. We must be able to stop in time. For example, leave early from a party because usually nothing good happens after 4am. Everyone knows the feeling, when you want to go on and on having fun. Be able to go to the peak. If you hesitated, all the fun goes down the drain.