10 books, which now stands at a discount to buy
Books / / December 19, 2019
All prices are given in view of the existing rebates and are relevant only in the day of the article output. Do not miss the opportunity to save money!
Blokcheyn. How it works and what awaits us tomorrow
The first original book blokcheyn Russian experts on technology.
The authors explain how and why this innovation a few years captured the imagination of millions, it caused a real kriptovalyutny boom in the market and has attracted billions of dollars in investment.
The book provides an analysis of application blokcheyna in the financial industry, the public sector and other sectors, are considered the leading world and Russian blokcheyn startups and studied ICO practice. Separate chapters are devoted to state regulation and prospects blokcheyn technologies.
Price: 299 rubles.
Running in stream
How to enjoy the sport and improve results.
Stream - the key to happiness, enjoyment of activity and results. Running - a great opportunity to get into the flow state, when you concentrate on the task at hand, the passage of time lose the feeling disconnected from the surrounding reality, get rid of the negative experiences.
If you only You start joggingThis book will help you enjoy the process and not lose motivation. If you are an experienced runner-lover, you will be able to improve their results. Experience professional athletes, as described in the book to inspire you.
Price: 562 rubles per paper version.
Asshole under control
How to cope with difficult people at work.
Everyone at work has a complex people, undermining the work environment, behave unpleasant way, preventing colleagues.
The book is divided into parts, in accordance with ten types of personalities, which is often called the complex. The authors brought these types based on their experience, describe each and suggested effective measures to improve the situation at work.
Price: 630 rubles per paper version.
Graphic biography of a man whose ideas have changed the world.
This graphic biography will hold the reader of Karl Marx's birth in 1818 until his death in 1883, talking about the personal and social life of the philosopher.
This is no ordinary biography, and not an ordinary history book. You will find a real novel about love and betrayal, about the death and new life, about the philosophical thinking and, of course, about the revolution.
Price: 570 rubles.
To silence him
How to beat the inner critic and start acting.
Written by example and the example of others tells us how it works inner criticHow to recognize it and how to cope with it, but also offers technology to overcome these stupor, preventing their full potential.
Price: 521 rubles per paper version.
Why we do not realize ourselves as we think, and why a distinct picture of yourself helps to succeed in work and in life.
There is strong scientific evidence that people who know themselves and how others perceive them, more happy, make smarter decisions, build better personal and professional relationships, bring more developed children.
From this book you will learn about the two biggest obstacles to self-realization, why other people do not often say us the truth about us, how to figure out what they really think, and how to get the real benefits from awareness.
Price: 562 rubles per paper version.
What do you really want
How to set goals and achieve them.
This book is written for teenagers, who are thinking about the future, but for now do not know exactly what they want. It will help to determine the aspirations and outline a plan to achieve the goals, motivate yourself to teach and inspire you to feats.
Price: 375 rubles per paper version.
7 minutes on fitness
50 interval workouts for busy people.
Everyone wants to be in good shape, but few have the time for a long workout in the gym. There is a way - short interval training: Fast, efficient and very productive.
In his book, experienced coach Brett Klika explains the basics 7-minute interval training and offers readers 50 ready-intensive programs 7 minutes, which require only a chair and stopwatch.
Price: 521 rubles per paper version.
delivering happiness
From zero to a billion: the history of creation of the company's outstanding first-hand.
This is one of the most cheerful and upbeat business books thanks to the talent as a writer and author of one of the most impressive and useful thanks to his entrepreneurial genius.
In it you will learn how Tony Hsieh became a businessman, starting at age nine from the farm for the breeding of worms, and those circumstances due to which the company Zappos he created was eventually bought by Amazon for $ 1.2 billion dollars.
Price: 634 rubles per paper version.
How to make a movie in 39 steps
For anyone who takes or wants to shoot video.
This is not only clear and accessible guidance on how to achieve the best results in shooting video, but also a whole new perspective on cinema. The book will teach watch movies very different. In it you will find many recommendations for real cinephiles and interesting pieces, which you have not even paying attention.
And if you yourself have the post videos on Facebook and Instagram, shooting videos for presentations or YouTube and video greetings to friends sometimes you do - then you're the director. And this book will become a good director.
Price: 525 rubles per paper version.