REVIEW: "Writing persuasively. Copywriter myself, "Sasha Karepin
Books / / December 19, 2019
I'm interested in a book by Sasha Karepin "Writing clearly" for professional purposes. But in the process of reading I realized that it is useful to all who at least once in your life is going to write marketing (at least slightly) the text of the letter with the request, or even just a memo. And what is most interesting: such letters or texts have to write to all of us. Well, with rare-rare exception.
Sasha Karepin
Russia's leading expert in the field of business correspondence, corporate business manager for written communications and copywriting. Agencies hostess "Word and money," the author of books, articles and television programs.
Quote from the bookThis phrase - "Do not kill me, Prince Ivan, I'm still of use to!" - you can call a cherished phrase all copywriters, because it is enclosed universal formula beliefs.
You can not remember that you wrote something like that? Let's think together, the first thing that comes to mind: the request for salary increase, the allocation of additional funds for the project or working equipment, a letter to the investor or to a charitable organization, but even your resume in a way, to be sold text. After all you want as you can more profitable to sell their skills and talents. I'm sure you can remember a few such examples.
So that the book "Writing persuasively. Copywriter myself "can be recommended to everyone. This is supported by more and the fact that it is written in a simple and easy language and peppered with good humor, which then fits anywhere. Despite the simplicity of the language, the letter design disassembled to the smallest Circuits. Separate chapters are devoted to the beginning of the letter, the middle and the end. The author tells how to gently push the addressee letter-to-action that you intended.
You will also learn how to write "live" phrases and avoid "clerical" language, which is so difficult to read and perceive.
All methods described in the book, supported by examples from life. As the author - Sasha Karepin - she is a successful copywriter, these examples, she is more than enough. In addition, readers are invited to independently perform some exercises on writing text.
In fact, the book "Writing persuasively. Myself copywriter "will be useful to you, even if you are used to solve problems in a personal conversation. It seemed to me that many of the tips in it overlap with the recommendations of well-known specialist in communication Dale Carnegie's. I especially liked the chapter on how to talk with the soul of the reader how to find arguments that will affect his feelings and emotions. Already I try to apply this knowledge in practice and realize that they really work, though, of course, need much more work, but the foundations have already been laid book Sasha Karepin.
Frankly, I do not even listed, and half of the utilities that can be found in the book. It paid attention to even such things as formatting text. This is very important when writing text, and writing letters, but many, many people ignore the formatting rules, killing even good texts.
Naturally, as in all the books of the "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" good content is enclosed in a corresponding frame. Book a pleasure to hold in their hands. Illustrations little, they all made in the technique of pencil drawing. They do not distract attention away from the text, but at the same time they consider interesting. It felt as though a live hand of the artist. And, of course, pleased with the practical and convenient ribbon bookmark.
Summarizing all the above, I can say that I have a book by Sasha Karepin "Writing persuasively" highly recommend. If someone has already read, share your impressions in the comments. Very interesting.
"Writing persuasively. Copywriter myself, "Sasha Karepin
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