REVIEW: "This year I ..." M. J.. Ryan
Books / / December 19, 2019
How often do we promise to change their lives, but after some time we put all other promises or forget them? This book will help you to realize themselves and make a reality of the goals.
Every year, people set themselves a lot of goals, but only a few will be able to bring them to life. This happens not because they no longer want it, but because they simply do not know how to do it. sociologists distinguish 5 steps that we go through when we want to get closer to the dream:
- preliminary thoughts - we still can not articulate their own thoughts.
- pondering the problem - we say to ourselves: "There will come a time - and I'll do it!".
- Training - We are ready for that "soon it will do."
- Act - finally, "I'm starting to do it now."
- supportactions - we continue to do things as long as we achieve results and secure it.
Maintaining action - is the most important point to achieve their goals. We all burn at first the idea of change, but not all have the patience and persistence of systematic move to the result. But this is not the only trap towards desires, here is the full list:
- Uncertainty, vague wording of what you want.
- Frivolity intentions.
- Procrastination, find excuses.
- Unwillingness to take difficult steps of work on oneself.
- The absence of the system of reminders and self-control skills.
- Waiting for perfection, the expectation of guilt or regret.
- The desire to cope with all the problems alone.
- Looping on fictional failures.
- The lack of alternative options and plans.
- errors in the conversion work on a full waiver of his intentions.
In the book, the author tells how to put the really important goals in the first place and how to look for motivation to implement them. But not everything is so simple, you will need to change their attitude to many things and start thinking positively.
After reading this book you will learn the secrets of how it is important to set clear objectives and specific targets, track the positive changes, enlist support for loved ones, find the time and develop a positive attitude toward success, which help to overcome barriers to success. And remember, successful changes need 3 things: desire, determination and perseverance. Do not delay tips from this book in a big box!
"This year I ..." M. J.. Ryan
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