REVIEW: 'How to make money on the Internet, "Andrei Ryabykh
Books / / December 19, 2019
After reading the title of this book, many will think it is the answer to the question "Where is the loot button?". But this is not the case. The book will talk about the methods by which it is possible to earn the most loot.
But it is not all that easy. Before you become rich you need to change the attitude to money and work hard. You need a good understanding of how much money is needed and where they can take. Among its priorities, a person must devote wealth as the primary, and protection and comfort take the second place. Only leaving them with their comfort zone and constantly risking possible to get rich.
Money does not make us rich, the rich makes us a brain. Robert Kiyosaki
If you can not find answers to the questions: How much money do I need? How much you need to earn per day to become a millionaire by the age of 30? – the author recommends the following books to read:
Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
T.Harv Eker, "Think like a millionaire"
Adam Jackson "Ten secrets of wealth"
George Clason "The Richest Man in Babylon"
Vadim Shlather "Human Weapon"
Andrew Ryabykh gives the following business models in the network:
1. Advertising:
- Banners - accommodation for a charge of multimedia materials.
- Affiliate Programs - business cooperation with the seller in order to sell goods or services.
- SEO links - paid placement links for search engines.
- Branding - the change of site design in the corporate style advertising campaigns / services / companies.
- Fee for publication - so everything here ponyatnoJ
2. service model
- One-time collection - taken charge for the service only when needed and only for what is used.
- Subscription - regular charges for any services provided through the network.
3. E-commerce - selling real or virtual goods through the network.
4. Product model - creating a popular product that monetize other.
5. Charity
The book is painted in detail how each of the business models, with examples. Not paid attention to "start-ups". The book has two whole chapters on how to begin to do, monetize and attract investors to your startup.
As for me, the book is designed for beginners longer in this case. For them - it is a great collection of all the ways to earn online.
"How to make money on the Internet," Andrei Ryabykh
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