REVIEW: "Less, but better" Martin Byaugo, Jordan Milne
Books / / December 19, 2019
Really good work on productivity is not so much. The book "Less, but better. We have to work not 12 hours, and his head "- one of those.
Books on productivity had accumulated so many that they are unlikely to be able to read in a lifetime. But the really good work is not so much. I recently read the book "Less, but better. We have to work not 12 hours and head "and expect that in a nice wrapper is not hiding how some interesting content. Fortunately, the reality turned out differently, and that the book was necessary.
Martin Byaugo
Martin - one of the founders of the factory for the production start-ups Rainmaiking.
Jordan Milne
Jordan - respected Canadian entrepreneur and writer. Together, they created dozens of successful startups, and wrote a book based on their own experience and the advice of prominent businessmen from around the world.
"Less, but better" - a few dozen essays written by authors with the help of entrepreneurs and experts in the field of productivity. The book covers several topics - time management, remote work, the harmony between "personal" and "working" time, personal effectiveness.
Most of all I liked the fact that the essays are written succinctly as possible, without too much water. Agree, do not want to cut through the oceans of smart, but little related to the fact, the author's thoughts. The creators of this book could be interesting not only to convey the essence of the issues through the stories, but also to structure their so that "Less, but better" is perceived as a whole book, not a web of unrelated pieces.
Byaugo and Milne at the beginning of the book introduces the concept of "double optiuma«. Double optimum - a harmony between a happy personal life and performance. This term are woven throughout the book and holds it harmoniously together.
I have selected the most liked me excerpts from the book to help you understand its contents.
Personal time management and productivity:
- Forget about the schedule from 9.00 to 17.00. Work during the hours that the most fruitful for you, and get down to the tasks that energizes you at the moment.
- Solve the morning, the amount of work you intend to perform today. When it is completed, the work will be forgotten tomorrow. One of the reasons why people continue to think about work, even coming home - that they can not stop and determine for themselves their daily norm. Therefore, they think all the time that remains to be done at all, and nothing remains to be done today
- So instead of "eternal to-do list" try to make every day, "today's to-do list." Perform scheduled. And then, with a sense of accomplishment, go to school for the children, go to a long-awaited trip, or have fun at the party you want.
About inspiration and new ideas:
- All the successes that I'm most proud to have been achieved in a state of tranquility and easeWhen everything goes by itself and I worked much more efficient than its normal level.
- That is why our most brilliant ideas often visit us for a walk, not a computer.
Victor HugoThere is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come
- You know at least someone who would have succeeded classified with the idea? [...] seriously believe that all around just waiting to steal your idea - it smells megalomania. Share your ideas with others profitably. You will receive valuable feedback and tips will help you develop your idea further.
About the business:
- Usually, when someone from your staff clearly can not cope with their responsibilities, not only did he know about it, but very dissatisfied with this situation. So that both parties would be better if they diverge from the world.
- To grow a successful business, you need to nurture a great staff. How? Listening to them.
- Do not waste your time writing a business plan; instead of this write a simple text on a single page - designation of the concept, values, several key indicators and three urgent steps planned your target company - and then go to work. To ring up customers, work on a product, promote it in the media or through the Google Adwords
I recommend this book for everybody - and those who have already read a lot of papers on productivity (as you repeat some questions and look at them from a different angle), and those who are only acquainted with the subject of personal effectiveness literature.
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