In the world of healthy eating is never quiet. Over the past few years we have witnessed the hunt on the fat that was supposed to blame for the fact that we gain weight, as well as a direct impact on life expectancy. Then, about a fat little forgotten and began celiac fever. Now the center of attention sugar.
Fortunately, science is making progress in understanding how to actually work our bodies, and the World Health Organization promotes the knowledge gained.
Last year, WHO has made a very bold move, urging people to limit sugar intake to a value not exceeding 5% of total calories per day. This is a very sharp decline, because, for example, according to the Office of sanitary supervision Food quality and Drug Administration, the average American gets to about 16% sugar calories. In order to better visualize the sugars contained in the products they plan to change labels products, so that they reflect the real amount of sugar added during production process.
The situation with sugar, compounded by the fact that the corporation engaged in the production of food and beverages, deliberately
misinform consumers through all sorts of advertising campaigns, as well as trying to hide or downplay the real health risks.Yes, it is harmful
Initially guilty considered more profitable production of substitute regular sugar in soda and other products - syrup, high fructose. Due to differences in the chemical composition of the absorption in the event of going faster with him. However, more accurate and long-term studies, the results of which are now available, show that the danger of any sugar, even sugar cane.
Initially, sugar was considered one of the causes of obesity, diabetes, as well as an additional risk factor for cancer. Now, sugar is regarded as an independent risk factor that can cause a variety of cardiovascular diseases and chronic illnesses, including liver cirrhosis and dementia.
15-year study, Published in the spring of this year in the Journal of the American Heart Association Internal Medicine, found that people who receive more than a quarter of the sugar calories a day have twice increased risk of dying from one of comorbidities than those in whose diet sugar accounts for less than 10% of total calories. In this case, gender, age, level of physical activity and body mass index are not important. Excessive consumption of sugar is killing everyone equally.
Excess sugar makes us not only fat, but also ill. Sugar also affects mental health, causing an increased risk of depression.
Stronger than cocaine
Even more alarming evidence of the growing number depending on the sugar. It's one thing when you simply cease to use the product is harmful and does not feel discomfort. But if there is involved dependency, it becomes really uncomfortable.
Since the experiments on human beings are not welcome, reveal the essence of sugar had rats. Its consumption is really addictive, stimulating areas of the brain responsible for pleasure. The interesting thing is that the sugar in the course of the experiments worked on these centers stronger than cocaine.
Nancy Appleton, Doctor of Psychology and author of Suicide By Sugar: A Startling Look at Our # 1 National Addiction, called the key problem is that, although our mind says "I do not want it," our body says "I it is necessary". And manufacturers, in turn, in no hurry to prevent, as a wide range of products containing sugar.
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, more than 70% of Americans daily consume more than 22 teaspoons of sugar. It sounds impossible, but it is necessary to count the sugar in all foods that inattentive to food a person eats per day (including one seems to be not very sweet yoghurt, sweet and sour sauce to the dinner side dishes, a couple of cookies and chocolates to eat and a glass of sweet tea) as everything falls into place.
If we adhere to specified at the outset WHO recommendation "not more than 5% of the calories of sugar a day," that such a person will have to meet the six teaspoons (at a rate of 2000 kcal per day).
Not for the sake of fitness
Most cunning sugar-containing product - drinks, including soda. We are not even talking about those huge two-liter bottles, which are sold in supermarkets and luring lower the price in relation to the volume, or those huge glasses of cola, which can now be enjoyed in restaurants fast power.
The manufacturer is trying to create in our minds the idea that if you drink "sport", it always useful, well, or at least not harmful. So there were all sorts of fitness bottles with liquids which seem to need to drink before or during exercise. However, do not rush to buy a miracle, because there is the same sugar and more salt there (gas only there).
Fabio Comana, a professor at the University of San Diego and a representative of the US National Academy of Sports Medicine, finds it unnecessary sugar intake before exercise:
If you are going to the gym and your workout is 60 minutes or less, you do not need extra sugar and the fitness drinks. All that you need during training - is water. Your meals will give you rest.
The exception may be the athletes, whose training lasts at least 90 minutes and is very intense.
Beware of fakes
This, of course, talking about sweeteners. Despite the fact that they seem to be the salvation for those who can not live without soda, but does not want to get fat, diet cola and similar things can be harmful in the long run. More recent studies on the subject show that diet soda also contributes to the development of obesity, type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Sweeteners deceive our receptors, causing the brain to believe that we have a real sugar, although this has not happened. As a result, seriously destabilizes metabolism.
Another very important point about the choice of products, - the ability to recognize a part of the sugar. Even if the advertising, and packaging assure you that it is absolutely healthy and useful product, the reality may be exactly the opposite. Look at the content of carbohydrates. If a lot of them, then you are actually going to use the extra calories without any nutritional benefit to the organism.
Every time, when it comes to nutrition, the topic inevitably fall food corporation.
Companies take a very long time before they will create something from which people feel the same pleasure as sugar. They know that sugar is addictive and people will come for more.
Unfortunately, the huge advertising budgets allow them to create any illusion in the eyes of consumers. These companies are profitable to produce food, working as a drug.