When Vladimir Degtyarev shared his impressions about his first participation in the Half Ironman, I asked if he does not sit on any special diet. As it turned out, specific recommendations he did not. The best option for himself, he has chosen just the right diet and fasting twice a week, on Ekadashi system. I then came across a few articles on the topic of proper nutrition for those who engaged in running and the sport in general. And, as well, and always, it turned out that many people - so many opinions.
I bring to your attention one more opinion in the form of infographic.
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I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to eat only products listed. Besides, not everyone drinks coffee and it is unlikely the shelves of our stores are filled up with sweet potatoes (yams). But I'm sure that at least some of these products are part of your daily menu.
1. Sweet potatoes or yams. Sweet potato is a nutritious source of carbohydrates, but also contains a large amount of beta-cardboard and potassium, which contribute to a rapid recovery of the body. Manganese, which is also found in sweet potatoes helps to increase productivity, as is essential for normal muscle function.
As I said, in our stores yam is extremely rare, so it may well be replaced by a simple potatoes, which also contains a high amount of carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, and other equally useful substances.
2. Eggs. The egg is a very convenient form of the protein, which contains amino acids needed for muscle repair.
3. Black beans. Black beans - a powerful trio consisting of fiber, protein and antioxidants. Carbohydrates serve as fuel for a run, and the protein and antioxidants to help restore muscle.
4. Salmon. Salmon contains omega-3, which prevent inflammation and promote recovery from exercise.
5. Berries. Studies have shown that large amounts of antioxidants and vitamins that are found in berries, helps prevent sore muscles after resistance training.
6. Yogurt. Yogurt contains large amounts of protein and calcium to strengthen bones. An additional bonus - yogurt helps burn fat... especially in the abdominal area.
7. Bananas. Bananas are a great snack before a workout! They contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which provide the necessary energy, and potassium will protect your feet from seizures.
8. Lean beef. Beef helps to replenish iron stores in the blood, which runners consumed much faster than people who are far from running.
9. Almond oil. Almond oil is an excellent source of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. A high content of vitamin E helps prevent muscle aches.
10. Quinoa Garden. Questionable taste treat, but the leaves of this plant can be added to salads. It contains 8 amino acids that help our bodies use protein properly.
11. Coffee. Caffeine enhances performance, endurance and recovery. Also, with a cup of hot coffee we get a big dose of antioxidants by eating virtually no calories at the same time.