How to lose weight 18 kg for six months with the help of counting calories: a personal experience
Sport And Fitness Food / / December 19, 2019
To begin with, I was not always complete. In childhood and adolescence she ate what she wanted. The first changes observed in the region of 24-25 years. Perhaps affected by the fact that I started to work at home. Then just go to the fitness club and completely without changing the power, dropped 8 kg. Then she married, gave birth, managed to keep the weight without any problems.
In 2014, my husband was offered a job abroad. It was a positive change, but I was worried. So much so that as much as a doctor had to go and pills from nerves to drink. And I'm one of those people who lose weight from the stress. As a result, he dropped about 6 kg, bought clothes size smaller and post fotochki satisfied.
After moving thought: that will return its normal weight, and all! New country, delicious food, no stress: I started to gain weight and at first did not attach any importance to this. During the first year I gained about 10 kg. I went to a fitness club, but the results were not. All the familiar saying, "I am the power." Oh, how could abandon vkusnyashek! Three years later, I had 18 extra kilograms, I was ashamed to look at myself in the mirror. I decided it was time to do something.
Is it difficult to count calories
Two of my friends have successfully lost weight, counting calories. The principle is simple as two pennies: it is necessary to consume less calories than you spend, eventually the body will consume fat reserves. I answered: "It is not for me, is too difficult." I do not like to limit myself, do not want to suffer hunger, can not imagine how it is possible to weigh each ingredient. And if I do not eat at home? But to be complete too, I did not want to.
Established My Fitness Pal app again on the advice of friends.
Price: Free
Price: Free
There is a popular analogue - FatSecret, and the other is full. But it is necessary to choose the service that has the most users. This means - the most extensive database of products and dishes.
From the first day it became clear that no "gesture" in no counting calories. My Fitness Pal knows all the products that are sold in stores in any country, you can write in any language. There is also a bar code reader.
With ready-made meals, too, nothing complicated. The program knows everything: Shawarma even though risotto, though burgers. Obviously, your chicken soup calories differs from that someone added to the program. So what? The purpose of counting calories is not to scientifically calculate everything accurately. And to not overeat. The approximate calculation - that's good.
Of course, it is important to know the weight of the portions. With this help of kitchen scales. I've got at first was not, he pretends to be in the eye. Here's a piece of bread about 20 grams, a bowl of soup that's about 300 grams, and so on. During the first month of counting calories, I lost 4 kg, indicating that the use of even a rule of thumb. And you get used to: you can weigh the food a couple of months, and then will be able to determine the portion of the eye.
Some worried that My Fitness Pal in the search gives many options. And the same food / caloric content of the product may differ. It's ok, I choose the mean value.
Pay attention to the unit of measurement. Most often it is 100 g, but it may be a different weight or one package, one thing... Let's say you add the pasta, contains calorie per 100 g, and you have 120 of them In the "number of servings" write 1.2. If there was 40 g, the portions 0,4.
All products found application stores in the future suggests. As a result, counting calories go second!
How to calculate the limit of calories for weight loss
When you first start My Fitness Pal identifies the optimum for you calories. Interested in your height, weight, activity level. He asks, what is the purpose - to keep the weight, lose weight, gain weight - and how quickly you want to achieve it. Depending on this, it gives a figure. I started with 1580 calories, lost weight well - minus 2-4 kg per month.
I recommend not to set unrealistic goals: the program can give you a limit of 1 200-1 300 kcal. Stick to it it will be difficult, unless you want to constantly suffer from hunger? It is harmful, and the likelihood of breakdowns when such a diet is high.
The quieter you go, the further you'll get. About 1 500 calories - the best option.
And yet the program offers to deduct from ingested calories burned. I do not do this. Norma and so is calculated taking into account your activity. There are more active days, but there are also less. In addition, the calories burned (running, exercise) can not be accurately calculated.
My Fitness Pal takes into account not only energy, but also the products: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The program is approved, if you eat properly, and to make observations, if you exceed the rate of fats, sugar and other things are not the most useful things. For those who want to comply with the perfect balance BZHU app is great.
As I changed the power
You know what good counting calories? This is not a diet that is somewhat limited (some products do not eat, do not eat after a certain number, and so on) and requires cook recipes. There can be everything. Although cakes. But strictly within your limit. It was then, and it turns out to meet him with cakes unrealistic. One small slice - 400-600 kcal. And, for example, stewed vegetables with chicken - about 300-400 kcal. In this case, after the cake after 2-3 hours again I want to eat!
From the sweet I refused. This and cakes, and chocolates and biscuits, yogurt and fruit, and bread. Many calories, little help. It changed the outlook on snacks. Previously I bought chocolate bars, cheese curds, sweet yogurt. Now - yogurt, and it is better to suffer and normally eat at home. Introduced into the diet of more vegetables. For the rest, I eat the same as before, but the portion sizes reduced.
Was it difficult to limit yourself? Perhaps the first couple of weeks. And then the body is used to being no longer fed "for slaughter", and became content with that offer.
It is important to drink a lot. A small hunger? Drink tea or hot water.
Should I arrange chitmil
You decide. I've been to his strict: if losing weight, then losing weight. And there is no "once a week I eat what I want." Once you give yourself an indulgence, the other, but in the end zabesh. Count calories every day, out of standards every day (plus or minus 100 kilocalories - it's not scary).
Treated to chocolate at work? No thanks. Called for a visit? You can "save" at breakfast, lunch and dinner tight. But dessert is better to refuse - the world will not collapse.
And keep in mind: alcohol high-calorie. For example, a couple of glasses of beer - about 500 calories as a full meal.
My results and weight maintenance
At first I was losing by 3-4 kg a month later - 1-2 kg. Three times a week to train. During the six months regained normal weight, it has reached more ideal for three months. Best motivation - when you see a beautiful figure in the mirror, when friends make compliments, when you buy new clothes two sizes too small, when physically you feel better.
I've lost 18 kg and can support the weight. Whether to continue to count calories? Yes. And I will do it all my life (and train). I raised the limit to the level of "support" - 2000 kcal. After six months, the deficit is a lot! I can afford to large portions, desserts. But in moderation, most importantly - do not overeat, and to believe. And yet it is important to not eat if you do not want, because it is a direct path to overeating.
If you have a problem that I had, I want to say, to take for itself is easy to give up the sweet - too (and then it can be returned), keep track of food eaten with a clever program - easy. The first results, the enthusiasm of friends will please. You will feel better, you feel the vigor and self-confidence. And not necessarily just count calories - select the way to lose weight, which is more suited to you. Good luck!
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