When you are passionate about something, time to simple earthly pleasures are left. But our body can only eat one only enthusiasm. In order to work efficiently and do not burn, it needs energy, which is drawn from those products that we have time (or not?) To intercept during a working day.
And the option "running through mostochek, grabbed the maple leaf. Ran through grebelku, grabbed a drop of water "here will not pass! Otherwise, you run the risk did not reach the finish line in a normal state of legal capacity.
Advice on nutrition from experts in their field - Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Andrew Weil, will help to maintain the level of energy of the body at the appropriate level.
Salmon - is not only tasty but also very useful. It is rich in fatty acids omega-3 and is good preventive maintenance of heart problems. Salmon also contains large amounts of protein, which in turn increases alertness and performance. In addition, it has a positive effect on the brain as a whole.
Almonds are rich in fiber, protein and healthy fats, which help replenish the body's energy reserves of energy. So in a sense, this nut is a great kick, after which we may not fly but can run. Also almonds contains large amounts of vitamin E, which nourishes our skin and reduces the damage caused by the sun to a minimum.
Recent studies have shown that almonds reduces the risk of heart disease, helps fight breast cancer and lung and prevents abrupt changes in blood sugar and insulin levels.
Green tea
a large amount of antioxidants found in green tea and catechinsThat help maintain the heart in good condition and elevate mood. So that a cup of green tea, brewed at the right time, can help finish the day in a good mood and energy supply of a fruitful evening.
Avocado contains healthy fats and a good source of potassium for the body. In addition, one of its members oleic acidWhich reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Fiber and fats found in avocados, maintain a constant level of insulin in the blood, which helps us to concentrate.
And avocados stimulates hair growth, and has beneficial effects on the skin.
Cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli contain a large amount of nutrients, among which there are indole and isothiocyanatesWhich protect our body from a large number of chronic diseases and cancer.
Fiber contained in these vegetables in large quantities, supports blood sugar and insulin at a constant level, thereby preventing productivity declines.
Dark chocolate
flavonoidsContained in dark chocolate help to maintain healthy blood vessels and inhibit inflammation and fats have no effect on cholesterol levels.
The use of dark chocolate lowers cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body and increases blood flow to the brain, improving cognitive function, if the content of cocoa in the chocolate is 70%.
Malinka, blackberries and blueberries are literally napakovany antioxidants and phytonutrients, including anthocyanins - substances which reduce blood pressure. Large fiber content maintains a constant level of blood sugar and thus helps us to be more focused.
From my own experience is that all of these products are very tasty, and most of them do not require any treatment. You have to tinker only with salmon and cabbage, although I know people who prefer to eat it raw.