Exercises that need to be performed prior to strength training
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Why activating exercises
Activating exercises - this preparatory movements that are sure to be included in the warm-up, especially if you sedentary work. These exercises will help you understand how muscles work during each movement, and good warm up the body before the main part of the workout.
Improved communication between body and mind
The power control muscle training is important. During the exercise, you should feel which muscles tense in all its phases, otherwise you will never be able to improve their technique.
If instead of the large muscles that have to work during strength training, you enable small, it increases the risk of injury and greatly reduces your performance. Activating exercises teach you to concentrate on the sensations of your body and use exactly those muscles that have to work.
Warm-up and activation of relevant muscles
Even if you concentrate on your muscles, not the fact that you will immediately feel them.
If you sit most of the day, can occur muscle amnesia - a condition where you can not feel how tense certain muscles, even if pay attention to it. Therefore, the second task of activating exercises - to help your muscles to "wake up" to power during exercise, you will fully use their potential.
How to do the exercises activate
We show three complex activating exercises. Choose the one that suits your goals and follow it after the usual warm-up.
A set of exercises for those who sit a lot at the computer
With constant use of the computer for a long time you save an unnatural position, which creates muscle imbalances. Muscles, hip flexors and the press are hard and squeezed, quadriceps and back muscles - weak and stretched. Excessive straining the neck, shoulders and wrists and buttocks lose tone.
To get rid of the imbalance and to put into operation the weak muscles, perform this complex of five activating exercises.
1. Warm-up wrist with a rubber band
If you print the whole day or drive a car, brush often are in the compressed position that overstrains muscles, bending the brush, and exercises with the bar, the stamp or dumbbells only aggravate problem.
This can result in pain and discomfort during push-ups or walk on his hands. To avoid discomfort, work on activation of muscles, the extensor brush. To do this you will need expander for hands or just scrunchy.
Technique exercises
Connect fingers. Put the gum on the tips of the fingers on the outside. Overcoming the resistance, try to push your fingers as wide as possible. Perform 20 reps on each arm.
2. Exercise "Camel"
This exercise helps to stretch stiff muscles of the abdomen, hips, shoulders and chest and activate the buttock.
Technique exercises
Sit on the floor, tucking his feet under him. If you have a good stretch, hold the back of the foot to the floor, if not - touch the floor footpad. Lower the shoulders, put a hand on his heels. Output pelvis forward and upward arching arc. Squeeze your buttocks as possible, expand the chest, shoulders slumped. Head and neck to pull back. Do this exercise 10 times or hold the pose for 20 seconds.
3. Stretching from the wall
This exercise activates the lower part of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.
Technique exercises
Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of half a step, bend your elbows and move them back so that they touched the wall. Lower your shoulders and keep your neck in a neutral position. Strive breast up, and pinch and pull the blade down.
The closer to the wall standing, the easier it is to do the exercise. You should feel the tension between the shoulder blades. If, instead, straining the neck, push close to the wall.
4. thoracic bridge
This exercise helps to open the chest and hips, squeezed during the constant sitting at the table or in the car, as well as activate the buttocks.
Technique exercises
Get on all fours. Hands under shoulders, knees under hips, feet stand on the balls. Tear off your knees off the floor, and body weight is distributed between the arms and the pads of the feet.
Tear off the floor left hand and right foot, turning the body to the left at the same time, to the left shoulder looked at the ceiling. Put your right foot on the floor shoulder-width apart on the left, tighten the buttocks, hips, both looking at the ceiling. The shoulders are perpendicular to the floor, chest of maximum disclosure, the sight is directed to the floor.
Return to the starting position on all fours and do the other side. Perform five times in each direction.
5. gluteal bridge
This exercise helps activate the buttock muscles and stretch stiff hips.
Technique exercises
Lie on your back, bend your knees and place the feet on the floor. Raise your hips as high as possible, straining buttocks. Drop down to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times or hold the position for 30 seconds.
In order not to make the bridge due to the lower back or hamstring, watch for so that the buttocks were always strained.
A set of exercises to activate the muscles of the back
This complex is worth carrying out if your workout is, pull-ups, pull dumbbells and barbells in the slope, the thrust of the upper and the lower unit in the crossover and other exercises on your back.
1. Lifting and lowering of the hands of mixing blades
This exercise will help to activate the muscles of the back and improve the mixing blades.
Technique exercises
Stand with your arms fling mini gripper or grip the towel wider shoulders. Raise your hands up, lower the shoulders, tighten the press to remove the sag at the waist. Try to push the arms against the resistance of an expander or tearing a towel.
Without weakening the tension, lower your arms to chest level, reduce blade, breasts point upwards. Hold your hands in front of chest for a few seconds, and then pick them up. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
2. Plank with mixing blades
This exercise helps activate the muscles of the back.
Technique exercises
Stand at the bar: the brush under the shoulders, legs together, stretched body in a straight line. Connect the blades together. Do not bend your elbows and move your hips. Hold for a few seconds, then relax and repeat. Perform 10 blades information.
During this exercise, move only the blades. If you can not reduce them without bending the elbows or movement in the hips, first make a lightweight version of the exercise on all fours when brushes are under shoulders and knees under hips.
3. The activation of the back muscles in the vise
This activity represents the initial phase of the pull. It allows you to activate the strong muscles of the back and install the correct movement patterns that will help you correct technique of pull-ups.
Technique exercises
Grasp the horizontal bar right grip. You can hang entirely or leave your feet on the floor. Lift the chest up, lower the shoulder blade pinch, feel how tense the muscles of the back. Drop down to the starting position and repeat. Do this exercise 10 times.
4. Pulling up on the rings with his feet on the floor
This exercise will help to activate the muscles of the back and teach you right move, Maintaining muscle tension bark.
Technique exercises
Grasp the ring or loop, hang on his outstretched hands and straighten your legs. Lower the shoulders and bring the shoulder blades together. Feeling the tension of the back muscles, pull yourself to the rings. Drop down back and repeat nine more times. Strain and press the buttocks, so that the body was stretched in a straight line.
This exercise can be complicated, putting his feet on the pedestal. Than your body closer to the horizontal position, the harder it is to catch up.
Do not pursue the complexity, your goal - to feel the back muscles.
A set of exercises to activate the glutes
Follow this complex, if your workout there are any types of deadlift, squats, lunges, jumps and zashagivany the hill.
1. Foot circle on all fours
This exercise activates the large, medium and small gluteal muscles, stretches and opens the hips and uses muscles bark.
Technique exercises
Get on all fours, hands under shoulders, knees under hips. Raise leg up, straining buttocks, stay in this position for two seconds. Try to lift the leg is due to gluteal muscles without straining hamstrings.
Take the leg to the side so that the hip was in the side and parallel to the floor. Hold for two seconds. Move knee to the elbow on the outer side and hold it in the air, straining press. Remain in this state for two seconds. Move the leg back and again lift the buttocks due to stress. Repeat the circle again. Perform five laps with each leg.
2. Bridge "Frog"
In contrast to the breech of the bridge, this exercise can not be done due to hamstring or muscle lower back, so it is well suited to those who can not feel the gluteal muscles.
Technique exercises
Lie on the floor on his back, connect the foot on the floor and let the knees freely unfold. Bend your elbows and lift the forearm, so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Relying on the folded foot, lift your hips off the floor and lift it up as high as possible. Hold this position for two seconds, then lower and repeat four more times.
3. Side strap kneeling
This is a good exercise activates the gluteus medius muscle, as well as muscle barkWhich provide stability thighs during the power exercise.
Technique exercises
Lie on your side, resting on your forearm, bend your legs at the knees, put his other hand on the belt. Point pelvis upwards, lifting the lower hip from the floor, and the upper lift as high as possible, while maintaining the bent knee. At the top floor only touch his knee, foot and forearm. Hold for two seconds and lowered back.
Repeat the exercise five times, then do the other side.
To exercise had an effect, do them slowly and deliberately, and try to feel the proper muscles.
If you do not have enough time for a complex, choose one exercise, but follow it very carefully and slowly. Already after the first exercise, you will notice that the strength exercises are easier and easier for you to comply with the proper technique. If you have had problems with work large muscle activating exercises will improve your performance in a few sessions.