Proprioceptive training: how and why to develop a sense of the situation
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
You can with closed eyes touching nose and perform other coordinated movements. This is possible thanks to proprioception - the feeling of his body in space. Layfhaker explains why develop this feeling and how to do it.
What is proprioception
In our muscles, joints, skin and connective tissue there nerve receptors - proprioceptors. They react to any changes in the position of the body and sends signals to the brain, and he, in turn, sends commands to muscles. it often happens so fast, it looks like a reflex.
Due proprioceptors we have:
- a sense of the situation, due to which, we feel, what position are the joints and how our body is located in space;
- a sense of movement, thanks to which we know how to move our joints when we move ourselves and when something moves us;
- a sense of power, thanks to which we know how much it is necessary to strain to hold in position.
Why proprioceptive training
Proprioceptive training include a set of exercises in conditions of instability, which help strengthen the proprioceptive signals coming from the peripheral parts of the body, especially the limbs.
the main taskBenefits of proprioceptive training in recovery after knee sprain - theoretical grounds. such training - to improve control over posture and joints.
That's what you can help proprioceptive training.
- Fully recover from the injury: restore mobility and control over the muscles of the injured extremity.
- Reduce the risk of injury. Improve muscle control during exercise and to support load balancing for all groups of muscles, avoiding isolated areas.
- Improve their performance in sports. Develop a sense of balance and absolute control over the movement.
AnalysisThe effectiveness of proprioceptive training for improving motor function: a systematic review. 51 research use of proprioceptive training has proved that they really help to improve the "muscular sense." 29 of the 51 studies have documented improved proprioceptive function of participants by 20%.
A six-year studyProprioceptive Training and Injury Prevention in a Professional Men's Basketball Team: A Six-Year Prospective Study. the influence of proprioceptive training on the prevention of injuries in basketball players showed that exercises on unstable support to help reduce the number of sprains ankle at 81%, and knee - by 64.5%, to reduce pain in the lower back by 77.8% and improve proprioceptive control on 72,2%.
Another studyCan proprioceptive training improve motor learning? It showed that proprioceptive training can significantly improve the sensory-motor function of the body - the ability to feel the changes that occur with the body, and to respond to them.
How to train
In the above study participants were trained to basketball postural proprioceptive station - special swinging board that is connected to the computer.
Instead, a special station, you can use what is in the gym or Bosu trainer balansbord and if you are going to train at home, simply follow the exercise in conditions of instability, such as the one leg.
On one leg with eyes closed
This exercise is effective for the development of proprioceptive control as you eliminate one of the three systems responsible for balance - a visual, leaving only the somatosensory (proprioceptors) and vestibular.
First, try a low lift one leg and maintain balance with eyes closed, and then - to perform the tree pose in yoga or other exercises on static balance. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds on each leg. Do three sets.
On one leg on the Bosu
Stand on a Bosu, find the equilibrium position and try to raise one leg. It is better to do the exercise next to a wall or ask someone you hedge in case you do not hold the balance.
Keep this position for 30 seconds, then switch feet and repeat. A little rest and then do two more approach this exercise.
Throwing the ball on the Bosu
This exercise is carried out paired with. You and your partner stands on Bosu platform and tossed the ball to each other stuffed with sand or medbol. If you do not have a partner, you can replace exercise in throwing the ball against the wall. Perform three sets of 20 repetitions.
"Pistol" on Bosu
If you have good preparation, you can try squats on one leg on a soft part of the Bosu. During squats, try to expand outside the knee of the supporting leg, hands pull ahead: it will be easier to maintain balance.
Training on balansborde
If your gym has a balansbord, have a go - it's a great simulator for proprioceptive training. Learn how to smoothly and accurately to get up on it, and then free to balance, rolling the cylinder under the board. It is better, if at first you will be what (or whom) held at the fall event.
IN this article You will find even more exercise on development of balance and here - some good exercises with Bosu Balance and medbolami.
how to engage
Proprioceptive training can take from 5 to 20 minutes. Choose three or four exercises and incorporate them into their training at the end of the workout.
In metanalize 51 research scientists noted the importance of training duration. The greatest effect is to improve the proprioceptive and motor function is to provide training for six weeks or more.
So make a habit of proprioceptive training, and a half or two months, you will improve your balance and decrease your risk of injury.