7 most common mistakes when performing bench press from the chest
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
1. wrong grip
Some embrace the neck of the bar so that all the fingers are on one side, including large. This situation is also called brush grip suicide, since the bar very quickly and easily can slip out of the hands and fall to the chest, throat or face.
So keep the barbell bodybuilding stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman, and many follow the example of their idols. But what's good for the pros, it is not always suitable lover. Yes, this grip creates less stress on the wrist, but if suddenly the rod begins to slip from the hands, in her way is not the thumb, which is able to stop this decline. The consequences can be very sad. At best, you break a couple of ribs, at worst - will die from the crushed skull and throat.
Ideal - to use the full grip when fingers fit snugly to the neck and the thumb insure it with the other hand.
If wrists start to hurt, just lower the bar lower and closer to the wrists.
2. Absence of the correction (power) of the frame
If you are unable to lift the weight, you have two options: either you nailed to the bench of heavy barbell, you can not push up, or you drop it on his face, throat or chest, and it is likely that this will be the last memory in of your life. Some think it will have time to shift the weight to the side and drop it on the stomach, but in this case they face internal bleeding that can kill before the arrival of medical teams.
When changing to a heavier weight ask someone to insure you and be sure to use a simulator with a power frame!
3. Lifting the pelvis on the bench
Your head, upper back and buttocks should be held tightly to the bench during exercise time. If you lift the hips above the support, to bring the weight up to be a bit easier, but it is also a sure way to hurt your back. At too high lifting your lower back will be in the position of hyperextension. This will lead to a strong compression of the intervertebral discs and the appearance of pain.
In addition, this technique is considered cheating and is forbidden in competition. But some still resort to it as try to look stronger than they really are.
If a basin still rises above the bench, most likely, it is too low for you. Try to put under her feet discs.
4. The angle of 90 degrees in the lower position
Back in the 80's Vince Gironda, American bodybuilder, trainer of the stars of show business and the creator of the method of "8 × 8" convinced everyone that such a position of the hands during the bench press from the chest is the best way increase the amount of muscle for a short time. Unfortunately, this is not so.
When your elbows are bent at an angle of 90 degrees in the lower position, upper arms perpendicular to the torso. As a result, the rod during benching up moves vertically with respect to your neck. However, the exercise "Chest Press" is to move the weight diagonally from the middle of the chest, rather than the vertical path.
Elbow position during such a "vertical takeoff" - the cause of injuries of the shoulder joints. Each time you lower the bar to the expansion of the elbows, the upper part of the humerus compresses the muscles, rotator cuff of the shoulder and moves them against your acromioclavicular joint. Over time, this can lead to inflammation in the rotator cuff and the Syndrome of compression of the shoulder rotator (impindzhementu).
To achieve these results and minimize the chance of getting hurt your elbows should be bent at an angle of 75 degrees in the lower phase of the exercise. Do not try to stretch the chest by means of expansion elbows! It is also recommended to avoid using the simulator Smith, as the rod moves vertically. Do not forget that the shoulder injury are long enough and you can drop out of the training process for at least several months.
5. Incorrect return of the bar on the bar
Sometimes the first move made incorrectly may lead to injury. You do not even have time to do one repetition!
Observe the small distance between your shoulders and stand and lie down on the bench so that his eyes were stamped. If you go further, it is necessary to make greater efforts to bring the rod into the upper balance point. It is also worth remembering that during this movement the shoulders should not rise above the bench. Removal of the bar from the rack above the breast will lead to the fact that his hands with a weight will be over your head. It will take no less force than the first wrong option, and can lead to injury. In this case, a heavy rod will be behind, it can slip out of your hands and fall on your face.
The same applies to the return of the rod into place after the end of the workout. To do this, lift the weight, fasten it on his shoulders and only then gently put in place by bending your elbows.
6. Absence of locking the elbow in the upper position
Another of the most common mistakes - lowering the weight down as soon as he reaches the top point. The absence of fixation will allow you to quickly inflate the muscles, but it can be very dangerous.
If you work with more weight and do a brief pause at the top, there is always a chance of rods fall on his chest. That means you can drop it at the time, when your muscles get tired.
Fixing the elbows when the bar is in the up position, allowing your weight to keep the skeleton and increases the safety of exercise. Thus you give your muscles albeit short but needed rest, after which you can safely continue training. Also this is the only way to perform the exercise with full amplitude, whereas the immediate lowering of the weight down is a bit of a scam.
You may have heard that this fixation elbow can lead to injury, but it is not. Usually the cause of injury becomes excessive stretching, which just results in neglect of fixation and hyperextension.
7. Wrong position feet on the floor
Runtime bench press from the chest to the feet there are several suitable positions that you can choose based on the characteristics of their anatomy. The general rule for these positions: the foot should be on the floor. Legs in any case should not be in the air!
When your feet are in the air, your stability is reduced, as the power is reduced, you can apply during exercise time. Some supporters of the raised legs claim that it helps to balance the bending of the lumbar spine and promotes better insulation working muscles. In fact it is not. Loss of stability can lead to banal fall from the bench, and well, if you have time to send the weight to the side, away from him.
Another minus: this option is not valid when working with really great weight, because the legs have to some of the pressure during the bench press. The loss of this support will shift the whole burden on his shoulders as the chest and back will be difficult to remain flat and cuddle up to the bench.
For optimal stability, it is desirable to position the feet directly under your knees or a little further, densely pressing them to the floor. Bad idea - to bring the foot to the knee or put them in a narrow position.
Every time you visit the gym, remember that you come back for a healthy and beautiful body, not to due to one-time boasting or stupid argument to be in a hospital ward.