Yoga complexes for strengthening wrists and prevention of tunnel syndrome
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Wrist pain - quite a common problem among people whose work is connected with the computer. Sometimes discomfort so strong it hurts to even think about how to build on the wrist. What to do? You can start with the implementation of simple asanas, which will help get rid of this problem.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (Carpal tunnel syndrome, Eng. carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS) - a neurological disorder which manifests itself prolonged pain and numbness of the fingers. It refers to the tunnel neuropathy. The cause of the disease is the compression of the median nerve between the bones and tendons of the wrist muscles.
Always better and cheaper to prevent disease than to long, expensive and painful to treat her. We offer you a simple yoga centers, which will be an excellent prevention of tunnel syndrome, as well as an easy production exercises that can be performed even at your desk.
Examples of complexes yoga
Video number 1
This video shows exercises for the wrist and fingers. You will also learn how to carry your body weight while performing various exercises to avoid pain.
Yoga for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome from BridgetLyonsYoga on Vimeo
Video number 2
This set of exercises will help both prevent and resolve problems with the wrist at an early stage. It begins with a warm up and stretch the shoulders and neck (core muscles, which are also suffering from long hours of daily work at the computer) and gradually moves to work with his hands.
Video number 3
This video shows a set of exercises for the wrist, which can be done while sitting at your desk. Of course, it would be better to get up, walk a little and stretch your entire body, and then do the exercises.
Video number 4
Special exercises and stretching - not the only way to solve the problem and relieve pain. The second option - self-massage.
Video number 1. forearm massage
Video number 2. Acupressure and stretching
At each point apply pressure for 30 seconds.