Best video 2017 version Layfhakera
Video / / December 19, 2019
What happens when someone dies in a plane
One who often uses the services of airlines, knows what it is - to fly with a crying baby, excessively talkative or drunk neighbor. But there are situations worse. What if the person sitting next to you died? In the video we will talk in detail, what happens if someone dies in an airplane.
Despite the grim subject matter, this movie would have to be in our top. This is the first video on Layfhakera and the most popular in the past year to restart the YouTube-channel - more than a million hits and thousands of comments and likes.
How to make a shot in the buttock
Questions of Medicine and first aid are always interested our readers and viewers. This year was no exception - a video about how to make a shot in the buttock, immediately became popular.
We talk about how much better to make a shot, which should be at hand, how to handle the tools and the injection site, as well as shows the execution technique. All this, in case if there will be no health worker and someone has to pick up the syringe.
Everything you wanted to know about the beard
Beard went to representatives of the male ancestors. She helped retain heat and protect the nose and mouth from dust. Now Beard has lost its protective function, and basically became a style attribute. But to be a trend, just enough hair on the face.
Together with the experts we have answered the important questions: how to grow a beard and accelerate its growth, how to care for the beard and skin of the face, how to choose the right beard. As professional Barbera shared their secrets.
Why do cats like boxes
Video with fluffy fur seals are gaining millions of views. But we did not make cuts with funny animals, and decided to go ahead and find out why cats are so much like the box. Together with experts, we found five credible reasons. Judging by the number of likes, you like them.
The coolest life hacking Kitchen
Everyone already knows how to keep the avocado as clean grenades and how to cut a mango. But our video is not about that.
We've put together a very simple and cool tricks that accurately useful in every kitchen. Movie turned out useful and funny, and collected a lot of likes and Sherov.
Strange facts about sleep
Sleep occupies almost a third of our lives. But the nature of this phenomenon is practically unknown. Because of this, many questions arise. For example, why we can not run fast in a dream? Why we often wake up five minutes before the alarm? Why do people suffer from somnambulism?
We collected five strangest facts about sleep, and found them to scientific justification. Movie turned out informative and came to taste and viewers, and editors.
As a self-learning English
Learning languages helps to travel without guides and conductors to communicate with foreigners, read books and watch movies in the original, as well as contributes to the development of the brain. English - the most popular language. But to learn it from scratch?
In this video, we have gathered useful tips to study the unfamiliar language progress faster, more productive and more interesting.
How to catch a forward split
Forward split increases the elasticity of the muscles, reduces the risk of injury, improves blood circulation and helps to form a good posture. But only if you sit down on the string correctly.
Sport topic - one of the most popular not only in Layfhakere. But a flat stomach and inflated priest, apparently, has become boring to everyone. This year, do you like most about the video forward split. In it, we show examples of simple exercises for stretching, which can be performed either in the room or at home.
How to survive a nuclear war
Anything in the world, there are 14,900 nuclear warheads. Most of them are in the hands of two states - Russia and the United States. This amount will be enough to destroy the entire planet.
We do not know, will use nuclear weapons or not, as long as it exists, the danger persists. Therefore it is better to be ready to attack. We tell how to survive a nuclear explosion, while at home, on the street or in the office.
Although the video was not very popular, but, in the opinion of the editorial board, this video - one of the most informative and steep channel.
Why the brain behaves strangely
The human brain is not perfect. We forget the names of people, places confuse words, instead of the shadow of the post, we imagining the monster, and sometimes even feel that everything is already with us when something happened. But all the wonders there is a rational explanation.
In the video, we talk about five strangeness of the human brain and explain their nature.
And a video from our YouTube-channel you remember in 2017 the most? Write in the comments.