Brewer's life hacking for men and women
Tips Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
If after a party at your house is left unfinished beer, do not rush to pour it. After all, the beer - it's not just sometimes a delicious drink, but also very useful in cosmetics and household stuff. Presenting your attention the seven life hacking for the use of beer.
On Layfhakere you could see infographic, Which tells about the beneficial properties of beer. Also, you can read an article about as a practical open beer bottle and properly poured beer in glass. Let's try to go a little on the other side and look at how beer is not drink, but as substance. Find ways to apply it in the economy and cosmetology.
1. furniture polish
If you did not have at hand a special furniture polish, do not hurry to run to the store household chemicals. After all, for this purpose, you can use the beer! Mix beer with vegetable oil in the ratio of 1: 1, moisten a soft cloth the resulting liquid and wipe your furniture.
You can do without oil, but the effect will be weaker. Now, if you spilled a beer on a table at a party, you can say that going to refinish furniture.
2. Removing stains
If you spill something on the carpet wine, tea or coffee, do not you dare get upset! A bit of light beer will help you get rid of spots. Use it in conjunction with a conventional stain remover for carpets.
3. Cleaning gold ornaments
All gold jewelry eventually get dirty and darken. Dip your rings, necklaces and earrings in a glass of beer, and they disappear will be much cleaner and brighter. You just need to wipe them with a dry cloth.
4. hair Bleaching
This life hacking will probably be more interesting to girls. If you want to lighten your hair a bit, try to use for this beer. Wet your hair with beer and sit a bit in the sun. As a result, your hair will become lighter and will even be a little shine. Importantly, do not forget to wash your hair then.
5. Shampoo and conditioner from the beer
Yes! Of beer you can make a very good homemade shampoo. However, for this still need a normal shampoo. For the preparation of beer shampoo you need to heat the beer. After the boil 3/4 drink, put it to cool. Then mix it with a conventional shampoo in a proportion of 3: 1.
It is also beer can serve as air conditioning for your hair. After washing your hair with regular shampoo, soak them stale beer, leave for 1 minute, then rinse. This is useful because the protein contained in this alcoholic beverage.
6. fertilization
Stop pouring unfinished beer in the sink and start to pour into the pots of flowers. Brewer's yeast is very useful for plant growth. Double benefit! Your body will be glad that you did not drink an extra bottle of beer, and even your houseplants will tell you thank you for it. Figuratively, of course, sense.
7. Destruction of garden pests
Filled with beer flat bowl or saucer turned into an effective trap for pests. Put a few of these bowls in the garden in different places.
8. Salvation is from the bees
You had a picnic or a holiday in the fresh air and you interfere with the bees?
Open the can of beer and put in the distance. Very soon all the bees will be there.
9. beer bath
If your feet are very tired, entertain their beer tray. Also, before you take a bath as a whole, add it to the beer. Thanks to all the same brewer's yeast, your skin will be softer. After such a bath should take a shower.
10. Marinade
There are dozens and even hundreds of different culinary specialties, where the beer is applied. Try using this beverage as a marinade for barbecue. Soak the meat for 2-6 hours in the beer marinade, and it happens quite soft and very tasty.
And some unusual ways to use beer, you know?