Crisis management housekeeping
Tips Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
The crisis is already all around us. Someone lost hope to get a mortgage, and the other - the money. But you can behave differently and better - the smart thing.
For example, the owner may withdraw from the purchase of scales and save money, if it is "weighed" flour or other bulk product to the eye: Knowing the amount of product is always possible to distribute it on a flat surface and a bisection method to determine how much to pour.
Another tip Life-hackers - take food with them can be developed, if you like fruit compote and time for cooking No, just sprinkle dried fruit in a thermos and fill with boiling water - for dinner tasty and fresh fruit compote is ready.
And if you had to tinker with the sharp-smelling liquids like turpentine or acetone, then get rid of the smell from the hands can be washing her hands in warm water with dissolved in it mustard.
In the kitchen you can tack sew a small magnet, then, as you know, it can always be at hand: stove, refrigerator or other metal surface of your service.
Well, if you are thinking of selling your unwanted books already, then the following advice for you: oil stains can be removed sprinkled it with powdered chalk and iron this place iron through a sheet of plain paper.