9 DIY-ideas economical repair
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
Repair is never ending, but from the interior upgrade, you can have fun and to do so profitably.
Update the door
Interior doors can completely change the interior. The cost of their most diverse and often the door "eat" half of the budget spent on room renovations. Especially a lot of problems with their installation, because it needs a very accurately determine the size of and engage in independent works, or to call the masters, whose work is more expensive than the actual a door.
Exit - imagination and hand-made. Do not buy a door, make a new from the old.
First, remove the old paint (if the door has been painted). This is done by using water glass, i.e. sodium silicate in water. If they lubricate the old paint, after drying the solution exfoliates with her. It is also possible to use a blowtorch or building dryer to heat and clean off the ink layer. These methods require more time than working grinder and a brush, but from them less dust and debris. If you show up at the door dings and chipped wood primer to help you.
These methods will help to update the old wooden window frames.
Flat and clean design can be transformed into a decorative element: to paint, paste over wallpaper, plaster, covered with mosaics, cloth sheathing. Choose to your taste.
Switch wallpaper
The room do not have to be the wallpaper of the same color and texture. They can be combined, so much so that the result will look like a real design solution. If the combination to take the goods out of the remnants, the savings will rather big, especially if you want to arrange a small room.
If you do not have time or desire to mess around with the changes in the whole room, switching the wallpaper on one wall only. Quickly and unusual.
Carrying out repairs step by step, you can save. Large construction hypermarkets in the summer and fall make big discounts and special promotions carried out. For example, in August, the OBI can save up to 40% when buying basic goods for repair: laminate, tiles, power tools, paint, plumbing. And with one-time purchase of 10 000 customer receives OBI Club card which entitles you to a discount of 5% and favorable individual proposals before the end of the year.
Repaint old furniture
Change beyond recognition the old cabinet can be a couple of days. You can apply a self-adhesive film, but you can hardly turn grandmother's sideboard in an interior pride. But with the help of paints, primers, varnishes, napkins and a few hours of free time of a wooden or a plywood chest can do something magical.
- First, remove all the old paint - varnish or paint - not only outside, but also inside the furniture. Treat all the boxes. It will take more time, but the restoration is complete. To remove paint and varnish is better to use a special solution applied to them in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer.
- Treat the cleaned surface with fine sandpaper. Then prime the (use a sponge to soak all the pores).
- If there are irregularities and chipped, close their wood putty.
- The primer can be treated again with sandpaper and paint. Furniture acrylics are suitable, they are easy to apply and smooth lie. If you have not engaged in painting works, enjoys convenient cans.
In addition to paint, you can use stickers and apply decoupage. How it works - you learn from video tutorials.
It is best to work on the air, it was not necessary to protect against dust and debris of the room and not to breathe sawdust and paint in confined spaces.
Notice home textiles
Bedroom transform one blanket on the bed. Nursery - carpet. In the living room the entire interior can be twisted around the couch and unusual pillows on it. In order not to change the upholstery of furniture, sew beautiful covers. In any room you can "rhyme" these accents with curtains, with curtains can be not only on the windows, but also on the walls and on the doors. As a result, the room will look like after renovation, although no work you did. The easiest way to find a color that will create contrast throughout the design of the room and will focus on textiles.
Make an unusual floor
a couple of days with their hands full perestelit floor and parquet floors, is unrealistic. For quick DIY-cosmetic repairs need to estimate how much you can spend. Do not necessarily buy all the materials at once, it is possible to prepare for the replacement of the floor, getting the tools and means in stages. Such an approach would consider the concept of design and save on offers.
Until the end of October in the OBI accumulative action: you make the first purchase of 2 000 and receive a 5% discount on the second. When the second and third purchases on the same 2 000 discount will grow and will be 7 and 10%, respectively. Customers get a card with a maximum discount of 10%, can use it until the end of October, and then exchanged for a card with a discount of 5% until the end of the year on any purchases.
On what you can spend the money to the result exceeded expectations?
repaint floorUsing stencils or decorative scheme. This option is ideal for wooden flooring and bold hosts. The main rule - use multiple colors.
Update the linoleum. This is the most affordable and convenient in handling flooring. Buy linoleum bright colors, even the usual furniture will look very different on it. And you can benefit from the experience of the artist Heike Weber and paint the old linoleum conventional permanent marker.
Combine coverage. Not necessarily change the floor in the entire room, it can be replaced only the damaged areas. Pick up the texture and color that will be combined with the rest of the floor, and get an unusual interior.
Put the vinyl tiles. This is another easy way to update the floors, thus saving time. Tile requires the preparation of a flat surface, but if you do not require alignment, with the laying cope even beginners.
Add light
Sometimes hard to be in the room just because of the poor lighting. It is known that light is of two types: functional and decorative. Make the room brighter without complicated wiring alterations, but the conductive structure and allow are: lamps, which are mounted on the support frame can be rotated in any direction and change lighting.
But the decorative lamps and LED lights can be used in full. Original chandeliers and floor lamps look particularly well in the minimalist interior.
Put pictures on the old tiles
To replace the tile in the kitchen or in the bathroom for a couple of days, you need to have incredible skill, skill and a complete set of tools and materials. It would be strange if there were no way to upgrade the apron in the kitchen or bathroom the other way.
The easiest option - this sticker. Buy any of what you like, degreased surface tile and apply the desired pattern.
More time-consuming process, not less interesting as a result - is painting a tile. Not every color will stand in constant contact with water, so deal with painting the walls just above the bath is not necessary, but the kitchen and the wall of the toilet at your disposal.
How to paint a tile?
- Clean the surface of the tiles and the joints from dirt with a detergent and a stiff brush. Wipe with a cloth soaked in acetic solution.
- Sand the surface with fine sandpaper so the paint is better to keep on the surface.
- Cover the tile epoxy primer. Allow to dry until the next day.
- Take epoxy paint and create as you see fit. If you decide to apply several layers, give the previous dry for at least 12 hours.
Add greenery
If you love plants and know how to take care of them, decide on a bold step and landscaped apartment. Modern floral interior has little to do with pots, apart wherever possible. Recent design tips centered around vertical gardening - hanging gardens and green walls. You need to pick up the plants and the soil to collect the body, which will be placed greens, fill it with soil and equipped with drip irrigation systems. All together it seems expensive and difficult, but with your own hands, you will achieve an excellent result for modest money.
How to make a green wall?
- Container wall. Set several horizontal container on the vertical frame. Plant the vines, which will hide the pots. The easiest option, regular watering is possible.
- Pocket wall. Instead of container pockets are used on the vertical frame. In this case the suit is not only climbing plants. The more pockets and the closer they are, the easier it is to close the surface of the green.
- modular wall. That such walls by specialized organizations. The most expensive way, since it requires not only a special frame for fixing plants, but also filling its substrate, which will provide vital functions of the plant, not for eruption frame limits.
Under any system you need to provide a place for the collection of excess moisture. Designers are advised to use containers with stones, pebbles, sand and seashells.
Make an imitation fireplace
Fireplace put in a living room or bedroom, when you want to reshuffle and new ideas, and a large repair is planned. Fit a fireplace in the interior with the help of the lining and trim a breeze, and the effect of stunning renovation.
You can do an imitation of bricks, blocks and plasterboard. And you can go the easy way and take an old cabinet or chest of drawers. If you remove the paint, sanded and primed surface and then lay them decorative stone tiles, then get ready to focus, which does not need to collect the body.
Life hacking: you can put in the mirror as a back wall. If you light a candle in a fireplace, the effect is stunning.
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