How to get rid of gnats in the room colors
Do It Yourself Educational Program / / December 19, 2019
What gnats live in indoor plants
The potted plants can be got different insects. If you understand how a pest faced, the fight will be more effective.
black gnats
It stsiaridy, which is also called fungus gnats. They are very small, just a few millimeters. Body elongated, gray-black, transparent wings.
Adult insects are not dangerous. Plants threaten the eggs that lay stsiaridy in moist soil.
Hatched larvae of approximately 3-5 mm. They have a black head and white body. They feed on decaying organic matter in the ground, but can gnaw and delicate young roots of plants.
white gnats
In another way, they are called whiteflies or aleyrodami. Adult length of about 2-3 mm. Outwardly, they look like mole. They have two pairs of wings milky-white color, covered with flour-like coating.
Insects lay bright and clearly distinguishable eggs on the back of the leaves. With great pleasure - to juicy. Such is, for example, fuchsia, primrose, pelargonium, puansety, hibiscus, abutilon.
Hatched larvae as well as adult whiteflies suck the juices from the stems and leaves. Damaged areas are deformed, twisted, they appear sticky dew. If no action is taken, the plant will die.
This fruit flies 2-3 mm. Outwardly, they look like normal flies, but very tiny.
For Drosophila, plants are not dangerous. Rather, they annoy people as quickly multiply and scatter around the apartment.
Pour correctly🌵
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How to get rid of black midges improvised means
Start the fight against black midges as soon as possible. And with adult individuals, and the larvae.
Carefully inspect the ground in a pot. If there are many larvae, play it safe and just transplant the plant into a new ground.
If larvae little, treat the soil with one of the following methods.
permanganic acid
Instead of the usual water 1-2 times water the plant a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
Take some matches and insert their heads into the ground near the edge of the pot away from the flower.
After the second watering matches can be removed: all sulfur is washed off with them. If the larvae survive, repeat the procedure.
repellent fragrances
Lay on the ground in a pot or a piece of orange peel a clove of garlic. Just do not forget to replace the flavor after a couple of days, not to start rotting.
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How to get rid of the white midges improvised means
Before starting treatment, observation of plants. Immediately remove the leaves that are severely affected and almost completely occupied by insects and their larvae.
If insects, eggs and larvae are not very many, to destroy them in the following ways:
garlic tincture
2-3 garlic cloves grind using floats or knife. Pour liter of water at room temperature. Insist day in a dark place, and then strain and spray the plants.
Suffice it to 3-4 times with the interval of 5-7 days.
tobacco infusion
Take tobacco from 20 strong cigarettes. Fill it with hot water and let stand for 5 days in a dark place. Strain and at least 3 times to spray the plant at intervals of 2-3 days.
Tar or soap without additives grate on fine grater and fill with water in the proportion 1: 6.
Every day, gently spray or wipe the leaves and stems of plants, where settled whitefly. Repeat the procedure until the disappearance of the insects.
cold quarantine
Plants that are transferred lowering the temperature to 10 ° C (e.g., fuchsia and geraniums) in cooler seasons leave a week on the balcony. This will help get rid of the adults.
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How to get rid of fruit flies with improvised means
Take a plastic cup, a bowl or jar. At the bottom put all the pieces of ripe fruit or pour apple cider vinegar, juice, or sweet wine. Add a couple of drops of liquid detergent for washing dishes.
Top cover with cling film and make it a big hole with a needle or toothpick.
Place the trap near the pot, which settled Drosophila.
pungent smells
Light the aromatic plants near the lamp with oil of lemon and lime, patchouli and ylang-ylang.
And if you are not afraid of garlic flavor, put a clove in the pot.
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How to get rid of lice with the help of special tools
You can buy them at hardware stores or departments with potted flowers.
sticky traps
Take the tape for flies or sticky traps for insects and place it next to the struck plant. It will help get rid of the flying fish. This method is good if a little insect.
Destroy adults who only appeared on the plants help to spray against flying insects. Spraying them, focusing on the shelves, shelves and window sills, which are potted plants.
After treatment, wet swipe cleaning.
Fumigator from mosquitoes
Daily turn the device into an outlet that is close to the plants of the affected pest. It will scare away flying midges.
systemic insecticides
Treated plants insecticide with thiamethoxam or imidacloprid. Strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will help in the fight against white and black gnats, but from the fruit flies will not be saved.
Remember that insects can develop immunity to a particular drug. So it is better to alternate insecticides.
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Why colors appear gnats
In order to avoid the re-emergence of insects, try to figure out where they came from.
wrong watering
Permanently waterlogged soil creates ideal conditions for the insects. Drosophila and all can live in swampy tray.
stale air
Best of all pests feel and actively multiply in the rarely ventilated rooms without ventilation.
uncultivated land
Simuliidae can bring together with the ground. And shops, and recruited in the country or in the woods.
External factors
Mote may well fly in the open window or the window to get into the apartment with bouquets or potted flowers.
Fungus gnats often penetrate into the room through the hood and ventilation shafts of warm and damp basements.
Spoiled fruit and vegetables
Lodging for fruit flies and black flies are black and waste vegetables or fruits that are not thrown on time. And already have lice are moving to the flowers.
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What to do, so that the colors were not midges
- Moderately water plants. Each time check that the ground has dried sufficiently. Remove excess water from the tray.
- Soil, especially natural gas, is not less than 30-40 minutes, calcined in an oven or steamed in water bath.
- When planting make drainage layer, so that the water does not stagnate in the pot.
- Spray and bathe the plant.
- Remove the dried and dead leaves, and flowers.
- Regularly inspect the plant.
- Fresh flowers keep separately for two or three weeks.
- Do not store for a long time cleaning, let's not rotting vegetables and fruit.
- Regularly ventilate the room where the plants are.
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