Skazkodrom - individual tailoring of any soft toys!
Holidays / / December 19, 2019
When my son was 2 years old, we discovered the Japanese cartoons, the most striking of which seemed to us "Tottori". Vivid characters there myself forest troll Tottori Chibit and cat Catbus :) My baby willed himself a character in the form of toys, but we are not for sale, but have something on eBay for incredibly high prices and not the best quality.
Now the problem for me does not exist! Studio soft toys Skazkodrom poshet any toy and not just for photos, illustrations, or just under your sketch :) Any imagination of your child, or a nice person you can be replicated on a cute eye toys.
When ordering toys you actually do create it: select the pictures, talk about your Suggestions for materials, functional (handbag with zipper, backpack with shoulder straps, a piggy bank for the money, etc.) and size.
Just imagine what can be ordered Bender, Homer Simpson, South Park characters and even Himself Sheldon Kupper :)
When I was young, I read a book about the ancient religions and rituals of the people. In ancient times, each tribe or even an individual had his totem - something (usually an animal) with power and exceptional qualities which he himself carried. So, bear tribe identified itself with the strength and power of the bear, fox tribe derive their strength in skill and cunning of the beast, and so on.
In today's world, little has changed... The ancient tribes under the magical powers of corporate marketing evolved into a corporation with organizational culture, which took place shaman director of marketing and totems and rituals renamed in brands and corporate style.
Well, totems, of course, have become modern - now it is not only animals, but also the unknown characters acclaimed films, and wild fantasies obkurennyh designers.
Toy also became a logical continuation of the corporate style of the company, part of its communication with the consumer. Therefore the studio "Skazkodrom" has developed a unique service by making corporate totems company - her soft toy, expressing the spirit of it It is becoming really a magic totem, which is not ashamed and give the employee at the company anniversary, and give to the client along with the package services.
For example:
The horse - a red square, Finval - saloon cars
This toy is not only to become a pleasant gift, but also an excellent marketing tool - because it is presented to the families and loved ones, put in a prominent place ...
Studio soft toys Skazkodrom sponsor "Layfhakera"