Why it's time to stop lying to the child about Santa Claus
Holidays / / December 19, 2019
Lovely fairy tales about magic donor gifts, according to recent research, may cause serious harm to the child's psyche.
Before the winter holidays psychologist Christopher Boyle (Christopher Boyle) and psychiatrist Kathy McKay (Kathy McKay) released in the journal Lancet Psychiatry shocking article, which listed the main reasons to convince the child to stop the existence of Santa Claus or other mythical New Year characters.
1. This can cause a persecution mania
"You are well behaved? Santa Claus sees everything "- nice, at first glance, a way to control the actions of the child and to ensure good behavior in exchange for the desired toy.
Such false causes fear and guilt.
The child does not feel safe and understand only one thing for him continually review and await errors.
2. Shocks from the truth, he will never forget
According to the results of numerous surveys conducted by scientists, almost every respondent remembers exactly what was wearing on the day when he learned the truth about Santa.
This is called the "effect of Kennedy": when people through many years up to the time of recall details of a strong shock.
Okay, lies about Father Christmas does not compare with the murder of the president, but the research confirms that it is indeed a strong shock to the child's mind.
3. You are laying the foundation for the future of distrust
The study's authors argue that children are inclined to consider all the things that adults say, real.
Trust is rapidly lost when the myth over and over again with new feed false evidence.
Such stories undermine robust parental authority.
4. The myth of Santa Claus longer need their parents than children
Children have no problems with a sense of celebration and the creation of New Year's mood for themselves. But in adults it often have problems.
That adults want to believe in a mythical creature that would come and fix it in the next year, so they begin to create illusions under the guise of a good fairy tale for children.
In addition, it is a wonderful way to control the child's behavior, as mentioned earlier.
What to do?
It is not necessary to teach the child missed any disguised in Santa Claus beard animator for shouting "You're not real!" And even more so to cancel the holiday.
Children are not stupid, so it should just explain: Santa Claus - a beautiful tradition that is an integral attribute of the New Year holidays.
Scientists believe that this approach will help lay a solid foundation for trust between parents and children, while keeping the festive mood of the whole family.
Holiday greetings!