9 trends that lead us into the new world
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
1. Virtual reality will bring together creativity, learning, game and movie
Soon there will be the first project that combines virtual reality movie, book, series, game, educational course. You can also expect the first projects at the interface of VR technology and in-depth learning of neural networks. It will be virtual worlds (for a start unpretentious) that will continuously happen neyrosetkoy as the promotion of human avatars on them.
Already have projects that combine education, game and some film-plots, for example, is a very interesting design Tomsk Polytechnic University. Educational game "Stalker" style, but not of murder (as in the original), but the progressorstva. It is not only about solving technology problems, but also on the interaction between society and technology: is the job of public relations, communication, and even predict the impact of robotics on society.
Technically, virtual reality closer to the movie: look at this cinematic quality.
This real-time rendering. However, you do not just see a beautiful picture, but you can interact with objects in the world, eg with manipulators in a virtual reality.
This means that the line between a movie, game, education and general life in the virtual reality is already erased. Soon we will see the worlds that will be created with the authors, users (and those of the other are neural networks).
Just imagine a world that you can not distinguish from the real. Of course, VR-helmet is a little pressure on the ears and reminded of the impermanence of existence, but after 5 minutes you get used to and forget. And that will only need a helmet until, until there are contact lenses overlay, and then do with the projection of the optic nerve.
Fly in the ointment: robots easier to make realistic than people. We have too smooth transitions forms - yet noticeable difference. But it is a matter of the near future, and in drawing the people can be useful neural networks.
2. Mining cryptocurrency become easier thanks to artificial intelligence
Thanks to the technology of machine learning is no longer necessary to be an expert on cryptocurrency to engage in mining. Optimization of mining - which is more profitable cryptocurrency am Main right now and it is on your hardware - can now be performed by artificial intelligence. You can install on your computer programWhich will use the untapped power for mining, such as at night. After some time, apparently, the entire infrastructure of mining will be ensured by artificial intelligence.
Mining has been criticized for many large volumes of electricity consumed and the harm to the environment, which, in principle, correct. But it seems that the world is not ready to give up the money in principle, but cryptocurrency They have many advantages over conventional money, including freedom from the control of the government.
If a transition to a society without money, then he probably is through cryptocurrency blokcheyn and in a broader sense.
Given this, it is possible to consider mining as providing the necessary infrastructure for the functioning of society and the increasing probability of transition to the desired future.
3. The introduction of unmanned vehicles longer restricted by law, than enabling technologies
Despite advances in the creation of unmanned vehicles such machines is not allowed in all countries, even in those where permitted, developers are faced with problems. The example of George Khotsa (George Hotz). is he submitted Comma One device that just one thousand dollars allows you to set the autopilot on a simple car.
However, the initiative was smashed against the bureaucracy of government. George Hotz has received such a letter from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the requirement to prove the safety of the product:
NHTSAWe are concerned that your product puts at risk the safety of your customers and other road users. We strongly recommend to postpone the sale or withdrawal of the product on the public road up until you are sure it is safe.
4. Artificial intelligence will begin to rebuild the technosphere in its own way
In the picture are three designs to support the cable. Left designed by man, others are designed in view of computer optimization (left to right optimization level increases). Optimized part withstand the same weight, but the 75% lighter and uses 50% less space.
A person's time to move to the next level of goal-setting, and to entrust the tasks to someone who (or what) is better at.
Everything else, this example helps you understand how irrational from the point of view of our industry resources and the ability to live at all. And to solve the problem with the optimization of resources and the environment, we can help, including artificial intelligence (AI).
And more Feel how visually Technosphere designed by AI would differ from ours. Something strange, shapeless. How can it work at all?
Narrow, narrow, we think! Do not you find that the smooth lines, the asymmetry is much closer to nature than to the direct, symmetrical human technology? Therefore, the "green" city and organic building, maybe even living - it's not just about the environment, but also about efficiency. It might not be a victim for the sake of the environment, and progress in the usual sense of the word. And so not only idealistic but also from a practical point of view, horizontal, autonomous community will be "green."
5. The profile of basic skills in the world of the future will change
In XX century, mass education has the task to teach people how to read, count and write. Then, special education, engineering, technical, or various courses give employees the skills needed in a particular profession.
Tasks vary little over time, and the majority of workers could be limited access to education, day by day honing their skills on the same machine, step by step, moving up the career ladder from an ordinary worker to foreman and the head of department.
By the beginning of the XXI century the vast majority of the world's population is able to read, write and count, but these skills are no longer enough to work in the new complex world.
The technological revolution is rapidly changing social order. In the near future, humanity will face a drastic change in the economic and social structure. These changes will happen under the influence of the rapid development of technologies and concomitant social change.
Many of the tasks currently performed by employees in various sectors of the economy, will be automated or disappear due to changes in the method of organizing society. For the new economy will be needed specialists of a new type. Ahead of them will be tasks that require creativity and the willingness to cooperate with other people and with the systems of artificial intelligence.
It will change the approach to the work. Instead of a linear career is now in the same trade people will be engaged in the implementation of their calling, changing specific activities. Occupation is replaced by vocation.
6. Neurointerfaces be used for environmental control tehnosredoy
We offer our readers an experiment: porefleksirovat what they did today. And it turns out that a certain creative process, inventing something new, such as plans, concept development projects, works and so on, takes them 1% of the time (or maybe less).
For example, I do in Excel project plan. I run the program, choose the font, the width of the cell, and then a couple of seconds, I think, "What do I want?" Then I I print, and then save the file, and then send it to someone else, and now the Internet falls, and I restore compound. Man split second is that it will mold and then two o'clock ...
Brand new channels of communication with the computer will enable us to avoid wasting time on routine. Already developed projects head-mounted display with neyrointerfeys. Here, for example, the Russian development.
Or here's a stylish implementation of virtualization management technology using neyrointerfeys - Neurable. Smart home system, production, augmented reality - everything can be controlled without the input of commands by hand, or even without a voice, but only the power of thought. There are many such projects, but here obviously did a good job on the design: looks cyberpunk.
7. Deep neural network training will receive an unexpected application
Here, for example, is very pleasant in all respects news: Artificial intelligence, could be determined by recording the sounds emitted by Egyptian fruit bat, what animals communicate. In addition, the algorithm guessed what kind of specimen emits sounds and to whom it applies.
Use artificial intelligence to understand the animals - it's much better than to use it to combat robotics, for example.
8. The competition between the vertical and horizontal worlds intensify
Due to the active development of the technology world has become much more connected, users of technologies - conventional people - more independent, the state has not managed to fully nor education, nor production.
Speaking about the future in the light of technological development, we can assume the growing rivalry between the world horizontal (arranged according to the principle of online communities) and the vertical world (primarily States and corporations). In the coming years we will see a worsening of the conflict.
Horizontal world will dooformlyatsya and vertical to resist, trying to limit the freedom of the threat to the principle of hierarchy of devices.
Therefore, it seems, will continue to read the state messengers and internet - monitored. On the other hand, not everyone wants to live according to the principles of a horizontal society, many comfortable under the wing of the hierarchy:
- 42% of Russians believe that foreign countries use the Internet against Russia and its interests.
- 49% in favor of censorship on the Internet. In particular, 45% support the censorship of foreign media, and 38% - of any foreign sites.
- 42% and 41%, respectively, referred to the Russian government and special services like structures, which they entrusted to Internet regulation.
- 51% believe the desire to preserve the political stability of the main driving force of government at creating a black list of sites (vs. 13% who believe it is an attempt to limit the democratic freedom).
- 81% negatively related to calls to protest against the government.
- 59% of Internet users do not believe that regulation of the Internet affects their personal freedom.
9. In some countries, the technology will be applied to the highly controversial goals
Novel "1984" series "Black Mirror"... What else would be prophetic? Already in China we decided to play on the trend of gamification. By 2020, the life of the citizens of this country can change dramatically: The government wants to control them completely. This will be done by evaluating the trustworthiness of citizens of the system: from online shopping and ending with a visit to an elderly parent and passing the hare in public transport. The system will set the people a rating that will affect the rate of delivery of public services and other privileges.
We can argue about how the world is due to the implementation of these trends: good or bad. But it seems that it will be challenging, fast-changing and confusing. Technology - is only tools that extend the space of possibilities. The question is, how are we going to use them.