10 more interesting and useful bots Telegram
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
like previous, A new collection of useful bots was very versatile. Video chat, analogue of Shazam, antivirus, news aggregator, radio and a lot of other interesting things.
tadam Bot
Very useful for the boat lovers to expand their musical horizon. With it you will not have to guess what song is playing, and look for information about the artist on the Internet. All you need to do - is to record 10 seconds of audio and send the bot. In return, you get the name and detailed information about the track, and a link to YouTube.
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video llamadas
For unprepossessing name lies quite functional tool for video conferencing. Boat creates a chat and provides you with a link you want to open in the browser. The presence of the bot and generally Telegram from other interlocutors it is not necessary: you just need to follow the link and start communicating. You can make a private conference, lock it, or select the video quality setting.
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Radio Archive
FM-radio has not in every smartphone, not to mention the plates, but the need to listen to the radio sometimes still occur. This bot hour listening to all the popular radio stations and may at any time to provide you with air entry on the clock. Specify the station, select the time, we get the AAC-file and listen to it in the background without leaving the Telegram.
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Box: News from Russia
This bot for fans to read. With it, you can create your personal news feed and receive updates from select sources directly in the chat. Just a list of about 60 media, including Layfhaker and other popular publications.
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Dr. Web
Boat antivirus from Dr. Web, which can be checked for threats received in the Telegram files. Given the enormous popularity of the messenger, the extra security does not hurt. Bot can scan files sent in private messages and send to other users, or even to work group chat, identifying potentially dangerous attachment even before you download them to your smartphone or computer.
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Very useful bot to unpleasant situations, when you may need legal advice in the field of automotive law. Bot will help to make educated statements, claims to insurers to properly arrange evroprotokol and more. Just choose what you need and follow the prompts to the bot, go through all the steps from start to finish.
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Image Translate Bot
Translate text from images can «Google Translator" and other applications, but what they tell you when you can do it right in the Telegram? Send photos bot with a sign for you in an unknown language, and it will send back the translation. Supports more than 90 languages, including Russian.
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Come up with a good password on the run does not always work. Usually it leaves a simple and easy to remember, or a complex that does not shalt bring from memory. EasyStrongPasswordBot offer you the password of any complexity with mnemonic key that will make it easy to remember your password, no matter how clever he is.
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Well, from serious things - to the frivolous. Guggy - this is a very cool boat that will make your communication much more fun in the Telegram. Its only function - search for SIFCO, but he copes with it is just perfect. Shlote him a word or phrase in English or Russian, and in return get a funny animation on the topic, which is imposed to your message.
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As you know, recently Telegram adds support for HTML5-games, and this is a completely different level, in contrast to the poor text chat. This boat has collected more than 20 simple games that can be played alone or with friends. There is a division into categories, charts and leaderboards. It works on desktops and mobile devices.
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