Tips readers: how to return the phone, do not forget anything in the morning at home, Google ChromeOS tray
Tips Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Many times encountered before that came out on the street, came to the office or somewhere else, noticed that something needed (keys, phone, money, tickets, etc.) left in a pants pocket or jackets (which it usually is!), but now you suddenly decided to wear something else, and forgot that it is necessary to shift the valuable and necessary items, without which you do not want leave.
Once thought, I have come to a solution that allows me to have 15 years almost never forget anything. How I got out? I made it a rule on coming home immediately upload from all pockets of all that in them is: money, keys, cards, documents... and dump it all on a special shelf in the room.
And when I'm going to get dressed and go somewhere, you first choose the clothes, and then come to this (special) shelf and loaded into the pockets of all required for this walk / travel thing. And every time I can estimate what to take and what not to take.
As a result, I use this practice for more than 15 years. And it is very rare were the times when I though that somehow managed to forget. Sometimes it has happened, if this spetspolochke turned out to be a pile of junk, and I just did not see the right things to me. Hence the conclusion - do not allow the accumulation of an excessive number of objects on spetspolochke, especially if you do not so much need to constantly and regularly.
Alexander Khmelev, product developer TrayOS, Recommends it for quick access to Google services.
Dedicated to users of Google services. Well-known is the fact that the new has not yet been released ChromeOS operating system is based on a standard browser. It can therefore be quite easy to imagine how the newest operating system ChromeOS without buying an expensive toy iron. This will require quite a bit shell program browser for Google Tuning, eg such - the program is placed in the tray Windows (hence the name) and provides instant access to many Google services. The main difference from a standard browser is the fact that web applications are not downloaded each time anew, and the processes are switched in a conventional OS. It's very cool and saves time and bandwidth. For example, Gmail or Calendar, being loaded into TrayOS differ very little in their work by TheBAT and Outlook. The program is small and most importantly - free.
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