FileStream - comfortable downloading from file sharing of paid and torrents
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If you have to periodically download files from free file storage, then you know very well that the occupation of this is not always pleasant. Idle screen with a countdown, CAPTCHA, the solution of which you have to decipher the Mayan language, and it is demeaning to our century, the speed of injection. But there are torrents! - quite rightly tell you. Yes, there are, but their use may be limited by your ISP or even blocked.
Yield in this situation can become a new service Filestream.meWhich neatly downloads for you the necessary data. Quickly, without any hassle and almost free of charge. - an online rocking with the popular file-sharing service fee (,,, and torrents, as well as free storage for your files. To use it, you do not need to install any software or make adjustments. The only thing you need - is to have an account in this service.
As seen in the illustration, the service provides free FileStream usage model, while where you have allocated 4 GB of file storage, the shelf life of your data is limited to three days. Number of downloads from paid services, file sharing is limited to 10 GB per month. In principle, the conditions, it is suitable for moderate use in household purposes. If your needs exceed these values, we will have a closer look at one of the toll tariffs.
Basic operations for loading control are carried out in a special section of the service named Storage. In general, its use is not much different from the usual work of a download manager, and is unlikely to cause issues. In addition, there is a detailed illustrated instructions, Which makes no sense to repeat.
We share with you the best impressions of the service. Test file from torrent tracker FileStream successfully recognize and quite quickly downloaded. During the subsequent pumping to your computer browser standard rocker gave service data at a rate of about 300-350 kb \ sec. It's not much, but if you have blocked access to the torrent, it is a real solution. When downloading from service also proved to be quite decent, just a one-click downloading the desired file in your repository, and then let it out with a good speed in our possession. By the way, FileStream resume and allows you to use download managers.