Watch online video like a boss
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Modern Internet allows comfortable and fun to watch any video online, even high resolution. It spoils the fun one, or rather two things: the availability of video sharing on the set of a whole bunch of advertising that is constantly distracted, and other unnecessary elements of the user interface of a site. Well, if the player allow you to enter full-screen mode, but if the video is not the best quality, the scale it is unlikely to want. So, you need a way to remove the entire left content from the site, leaving only the video.
Before we get into the network in search of the alleged plugin for your browser, or other third-party software, try to do so: go to the website MessyPages, We find there Unclutter button, grab the mouse button and drag to your browser bookmarks.
Now we go to any video hosting, launch video and click on created in the previous step tab. Magic! On YouTube, it looks like this.
Although YouTube is not the best example (advertising is not enough, and there is no third-party content posuti + available full-screen mode), but this script works similarly to any other video storage.
As a bonus, in the upper right corner of the user button is available to scale the video window.