Nice Weather: the clearest weather app for Android
Android Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Before you start talking about the next (well, how much can you?), A weather application for Android, we want immediately convincingly assure you: this is one of the most beautiful, minimalist, intuitive and user-friendly development that we had to see.
Therefore, Nice Weather - immediately after startup determines the user's location, showing the city / country in the top of the screen (also changes the language of a gun, but the Russian, unfortunately, not). If desired, you can tapnut on location and add another point manually.
The background here is simply overall the weather outside the window. Blue - rainy, gray tones from light to dark - an indicator of the degree of sadness, from the light clouds, and ending with the totality of the lightning cloud. Yellow - in the sun outside.
Schematically, the weather is displayed as an icon on the center of the screen. Next comes the date and 3 basic weather parameters: wind, temperature and precipitation. At the bottom of the screen is the temperature curve indicating the minimum and maximum temperatures for the display period of time, and the shaded area gives an idea of the level of precipitation at the same time interval.
When you first look at all this beauty there is some frustration because of the fact that the picture seems static. In fact, here the full interactivity. Circle on the temperature curve - a slider that allows you to look at the dynamics of weather changes in the near future (a shift step = 3 hours). Together with the movement of the slider varies smoothly and background, and weather information icon and indicators basic parameters corresponding to the selected hour. Swipe left and right moves the user to the screen with the weather on the previous / next day (up to 5 days ahead). Tap on any of the three options opens a menu with a choice of the format of the display (Celsius / Fahrenheit for temperature and so on).
The only thing hvatatet Nice Weather - version display weather reports for several days ahead in one screen. However, the addition of at least one interface is obviously clickable element is likely to spoil the overall impression of the design application.
Nice Weather is available on Google Play and is absolutely free.