Air Tasks - minimalist task manager for iOS
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
"In any unclear situation to create your task manager". This motto remains true for mobile developers, and the theory that in the near future to-do prilozhenek will be more than people on Earth, everything seems more realistic. Many users simply ignore the endless stream of releases "revolutionary" managers and rightly so. Well, we sort of activity required to filter the avalanche of the todo-releases, because the chance of finding something really new and sensible still there. Today is such a day, and we want to present to you todo-manager named Air Tasks. You think you've seen products in a spirit of absolute minimalism? No, I have not seen.
Look. Here is a screenshot Air Tasks main screen.
From the picture it's all right, it's not a glitch. :) The fact that the task manager denies button in the interface. Gestures, only gestures and nothing but gestures. All the main action in the application are carried out by means of swipe, which, as we remember:
- Work in four directions (top to bottom, bottom to top, from left to right and right to left).
- Have a certain length (i.e. the effect of the swipe may vary depending on its length).
The application works in accordance with these simple theses. We try to swipe down, and the prompt appears on the screen - further drawing will create a problem.
Gets the standard iOS keyboard, and we print the name of the task. First a task is created. What's next?
We are trying to do on the task swipe right. As the sliding finger next to the task icon, a check mark appears. Obviously, with cancellation - the current action that the user performs the task.
But what happens if you pull the task even further to the right? completion icon is replaced clock icon.
If you swipe to complete at this stage, the problem does not strike out, and the user will be moved to the scheduling interface, that is, setting the deadline for the created task.
Pull even further to the right, and on-site Service hours appears. Svayp stopping here, we will create a problem with the notification.
Until the left edge of the screen a little more space, and we continue to pull the task. Finally, the Service has disappeared, and now the portrait here. This is a function of delegating tasks.
In the resulting list of contacts, you can select the person you want to forward a task. It is worth noting only one drawback - the lack of support CloudKit, through which could be implemented by the user to send tasks to other iOS-devices automatically. Hopefully the developer will read this review and to draw conclusions and summarize the results so far swipe right.
One simple gesture - four actions. We can not think of another application that could squeeze as much functionality all from a single intuitive movement, and for such a concept developer definitely be commended. However, we still have a swipe to the left. Here goes the alternation of functions in this order:
- Deleting a task.
- The conversion of the cyclic tasks, ie setting the time for which will be transferred to a task after execution.
- The transformation of tasks in the project. In fact, this transformation of the unit Tasca into a complex task with subtasks.
- Sending tasks by email, instant messenger or any other established communication service.
Should pay particular attention to the function of creating a complex problem (of the project). Attentive user asks how is the transition list of the main tasks and nested lists of tasks within projects. It uses two-finger gestures, "pinch" and breeding. Swipe to the left to create a project, select the item, and the interface as it are leaving, taking us down to the level of sub-list. Pinch returns to level up, and you try to compress the main task list application will transfer user in the settings menu. Purification occurs svayp completed tasks from the bottom up.
In practice, the task list will look something like this:
To understand the current situation of affairs in it is very simple, and the same can be said about managing tasks.
It is noteworthy that Air Tasks visually and functionally imprisoned for iOS 8.
As you can see from the screenshots, the application supports interactive reminders. The problem should be postponed? All right, do it right in the reminder interface, without much navigation and in-service current affairs. Air Tasks also has a widget for the notification center. Open the tab "Today", and in front of us all our deeds on this day.
The application allows you to delay, plan and delegate tasks, and reminds the user to view the list of tasks at the end of each week. This is fully consistent with the principles GTD methodology, in combination with a common interface brevity have output as simple GTD-manager available in AppStore.
Overall, Air Tasks objectively stands out from other products that pretend to be minimalist effective todo-manager. We've seen a lot of development, and some of them were really well-made, but their Air Tasks background - a king of minimalism, with refined simplicity does not affect the functionality and convenience.
The application is available in the App Store for free, but limited in functionality. Additional chips (working with projects, repetitive tasks) purchased through IAP.