Foxit Reader - a functional view PDF
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
A great program for viewing PDF. Let's start with the fact that there are versions for Windows, Linux, and mobile devices. Just have an open SDK, that allows third-party developers to add their own modules. Gorgeous interface and fast speed will come to everyone's taste.
Functionality beyond praise: you can select and copy text, take pictures with preservation of the clipboard, create text notes, change the geometry, scale, extract links. The program, as I mentioned, has a very good speed, and the quality of the displayed material very high: sgalzhivanie fonts and display of compressed images occur without affecting the performance. The latest version has new features: Displays the file size in the status bar, minimize the program to tray, check the spelling of text notes. The program paid version for the money can edit PDF, kovertirovat in txt, and contains a separate utility for organizing pdf-file library. The trial version of the deprived, but honestly even works for free, presenting a fast and functional viewer. The program works great with the stick, there is also a special U3-version.
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