Pcmedik - a small utility for system optimization
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
This small utility (less than 2 megabytes) allows you to set some parameters of the system which may affect the stability and performance.
After the first run Pcmedik scan your system and offer you the best options that are appropriate to your equipment. Analyzes the processor type, amount of RAM, the registry size, the speed of hard disk drives, and other settings of your computer devices. After the first analysis program saves a backup copy of the registry and asks you to reboot for the application of the best, in her opinion, the settings.
However, what I did not like, the program will run in full mode only after you buy a license. Until that time, you have 30 days to clear, you will be able to do without this program, or you can not. I can, but there are geeks who are crazy about optimization - they should try the program in action and unsubscribe if she did anything to give. What I do not even like it, is the fact that the program does not give any explanation of his work. "Just reboot - and you will be happy" - this approach does not suit me.
Download Pcmedik: http://www.pgware.com/products/pcmedik/.