Travelata - a summer 150 in a single application
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Holiday - a holiday. Rest - this journey, and are guaranteed to find the most-tour at the most-price, you have to prosherstit ALL tour operators. How many of them all? Normal - no more than 200, and in total, these agencies offer tens of thousands of travel options. What do you think, how much time you need to analyze, filter, compare and choose among them the best tour to suit your preferences? With the app Travelata - less than a minute.
Travelata - a free aggregator tours with a flexible system of filters in real time to collect and process proposals from more than 150 tour operators.
the process of finding the best tour is absolutely straightforward. It is impossible to get lost. The default selection is happening in general on all tours, but you can go directly to the tab "Tours" and see the discount offers.
In both cases, just select the departure city, the desired direction, the optimal date and the number of days of rest, the number of persons and then click "Find tours."
It takes a few seconds and the screen displays a list of matching rounds. It remains to apply the filters you want, and then in the list of the proposals will remain as close as possible to the capabilities and user wishes tours.
Tapan on each of them, get acquainted with the detailed description, and then either leave the order on the same tour his dreams, or if there is no reason to hurry, Tapan on the target icon and subscribe to "hunt" for the selected destination or hotel.
In Travelata this function is called "Turhanter". If the price of a marked area or hotel changes, notify the user application. A convenient way to catch a favorite destination or hotel at the most attractive price.
Finally you need to tell us about the function that actually completely protects the user against the risk to miss the most favorable offer. If you have found somewhere a proposal with the same conditions as in Travelata, but cheaper service will book you a tour of the lower price, or even cheaper.